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China presses Hawley on U.S. bill to declassify everything about COVID origin

"When China is this upset about a proposal you know you’re on the right track," the Missouri senator commented.

El senador estadounidense Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) en CPAC

Josh Hawley/ Cordon Press.

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The Chinese regime sent a letter to Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley over the bill he introduced that asks the Biden administration to declassify all information it has on the Wuhan lab and COVID-19 links.

The three-page letter written by a Chinese embassy official in Washington DC and addressed to Hawley's chief of staff criticized Hawley's legislative proposal and called it "political manipulation."

"I am reaching out to express our grave concern regarding the 'COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023' (S.619), which falsely claimed that the COVID-19 corona virus originated from Wuhan Institute of Virology, accuses China of blocking international investigations, refusing to share information and lacking transparency etc. and required the Director of National Intelligence to declassify information relating to the origin of COVID–19. China firmly opposes and strongly condemns this," read the text shared by Fox News.

In the letter, China also accused the United States of "undermining international solidarity" in the battle against the pandemic virus and raised the possibility that the coronavirus actually originated in a laboratory in North Carolina.

China's anger points to "the right track"

After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sent the letter, the Republican senator from Missouri commented that for him the anger of the Asian giant's regime was a good sign.

"When China is this upset about a proposal you know you’re on the right track," he commented, stressing that the American people "deserve to know the truth about the origins of COVID and China must be held accountable."

More and more specialists are speaking publicly about the possibility that the coronavirus originated in a Chinese laboratory. Recently Dr. Robert Redfield, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the Donald Trump administration, said he believed in this theory.

An FBI director also recently said he believes the virus originated from the Wuhan lab, and a Department of Energy report reinforced this possibility.
