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Dunkin' Donuts will use artificial intelligence to better understand its consumers and improve sales

The company announced its partnership with HubKonnectun, an AI system that extracts data reflecting user preferences.

Dunkin' Donuts.

(Wikimedia Commons)

Dunkin' Brands, the company that groups Dunkin' Donuts and Baskin-Robbins, will implement artificial intelligence (AI) to carry out "marketing solutions" in its more than 10,000 stores across the country.

The company announced its three-year partnership, through 2026, with HubKonnect, an AI system that mines demographic and mobile data sources that reflect consumer preferences in a personalized way. HubKonnect CEO and co-founder Michael Koch told Fox:

The partnership that we're announcing is a highly strategic partnership where we're in this for the long term with them as a partner that provides them with best-in-class local store marketing solutions where they can really win over their community (...) The focus is to leverage our award-winning technology, leverage the Dunkin' brand in those communities and really expand to leverage the data to provide that to drive mobile app usage and their strategic initiatives from an executive level.

HubKonnect stated that its AI system ensures an average ROI of 6-10%.

Dunkin' follows in the footsteps of McDonald's, Chick-fill-A and more

HubKonnect's AI uses data based on consumer behavior in each of its stores. In other words, it will detect a pattern of user behavior that may exist in each of the regions where Dunkin' stores are present.

Dunkin' will use this customer information to conduct marketing strategies by "detecting customer trends and preferences to create hyper-personalized campaigns."

Through this platform, with three simple steps, they select a location, a commercial objective and a time period. And then, at the push of a button, we created, leveraging the data, the mobile data, understanding all that information, five marketing tactics that overlapped into a consolidated marketing calendar for Dunkin'.
With each tactic that is carried out, the systems become more and more intelligent. So, not only are we creating a unique local data set for that individual location, but we're also creating a unique data set for that [designated market area], for that region, as well as for Dunkin' in general."

HubKonnect created its AI marketing solutions system in 2016 and has partnered with other fast food chains such as McDonald's, Chick-fil-A, Bojangles, Wahlburgers and more.
