Trans inmates are a privileged class in prisons, says director of Keep Prisons Single Sex
The top KPSS director in the United States spoke with VOZ about the lack of information and the risks of transferring men who identify as women to female prisons.

VOZ interview with the KPSS president.
There is no single prison system in the United States. There are many. Federal, state and local are the different levels in which the thousands of prisons across the country are organized (or disorganized). From within this tangled web, many tragic and unusual cases of biologically male inmates being relocated to female prisons have emerged.
While cases of these transfers based on gender identity grew, away from the public eye, women behind bars have been pushed down. Keep Prisons Single Sex was born to defend them, Amanda Stulman, director of its U.S. branch, told us.
In a recent interview with VOZ, Stulman explains why it is so difficult to gather information about the prison population, the high rates of sexual violence by inmates who identify as women, and what to expect from a potential Harris administration on the issue.
Watch highlights from the interview:
Hidden, scattered and ignored: Where's the data?
'Myopic regulation': Trans inmates as a privileged class
Harris' record: Gender identity as the law of the land