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Joe Biden was present during several of his dog Commander attacks on Secret Service agents

A report published by Judicial Watch claims that some of these incidents occurred while the president was taking his German shepherd for a walk.

Commander acompañando a Joe Biden mientras éste trabaja en el Despacho Oval en

(White House / Flickr).

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Joe Biden was present during several of Commander's attacks on Secret Service agents. A report published by Judicial Watch stated this Friday that some of these incidents occurred while the president was taking his German shepherd for a walk on the White House grounds:

One of these attacks occurred on September 13, 2023. That day, the president decided to take Commander to Kennedy Garden for a walk in the middle of the night. In statements collected by The New York Post, a member of the Secret Service recounted the incident he had with the dog :

As I started to walk toward him to see if he needed help, Commander ran through his legs and bit my left arm through the front of my jacket. I pulled my arm away and yelled no. [President Biden] also yelled [redacted] to Commander. [Biden] then [redacted]. I obliged and Commander let me pet him. When turning to close the door, Commander jumped again and bit my left arm for the second time. [Biden] again yelled at Commander and attached the leash to him. My suit coat has three holes, one being all the way through. No skin was broken.

Commander attacked while Biden took him for a walk near the White House

It was not the only incident that Joe Biden witnessed since the president was present in at least two other attacks by the dog on Secret Service agents. The first of them was on October 2, 2022 and happened at the entrance near the rose garden that connects the west wing with the rest of the presidential mansion. This is how the agent detailed it in records that came to light last February:

I was bit/grabbed on the left forearm. Commander came in first circled back and grabbed my left arm. He then stood up and back down. He is literally my height standing. [President Biden] entered shortly after since he was trailin [sic] behind him. [Biden] entered the Palm Room and said, ‘[redacted quote].'

Kennedy Garden was the scene where Commander attacked again. It happened on December 11, 2022 and that day, like the previous times, Joe Biden decided to take his dog for a walk, as the records state:

The president requested to take Commander (on the leash) to the Kennedy Garden. Once at the KG, [Biden] took Commander off the leash to run free. I was present to observe [redacted] departing from the Kennedy Garden to move behind [redacted] toward the south ground drive via the internal garden gate when [the attack] occurred.

All of these, and other incidents, led to the removal of Joe Biden's dog from the White House in October of last year. As of now, the current location of the president's German shepherd is not known. When the Biden family removed the dog they only reported that "Commander is not presently on the White House campus."
