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Trans Antifa member arrested for attack on Alabama Attorney General's Office

The Justice Department reported that Kyle Benjamin Douglas Calvert "was indicted for his alleged role in detonating an explosive device." He faces a sentence of between five and 20 years in prison.

Arrestan a un trans vinculado a Antifa por el atentado en la Oficina del Fiscal General de Alabama

Captura de video (@MrAndyNgo - Twitter)


The Department of Justice (DOJ) reported the arrest of Kyle Benjamin Douglas Calvert, who is linked to Antifa, for "allegedly" detonating an explosive device in front of the Alabama Attorney General's Office.

An Alabama man was indicted for his alleged role in detonating an explosive device in downtown Montgomery, Alabama.

Calvert – who identifies as trans and non-binary, according to The Post Millennial – is charged with “malicious use of an explosive and possession of an unregistered destructive device.” Likewise, he "maliciously damaged, and attempted to maliciously damage, by means of fire and explosive materials, the Alabama Attorney General's Office," and that he "knowingly possessed a firearm, to wit: a destructive device... which was not registered to him in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record."

If Calvert, 26, is convicted, he faces a sentence of between five years and 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000 for possession of an "unregistered destructive device." Attorney General Merrick Garland stated:

Thanks to the work of the FBI and our state and local law enforcement partners, this defendant is being held accountable for allegedly detonating an explosive device outside of the Alabama Attorney General’s Office ... The Justice Department has no tolerance for acts of violence targeting those who serve the public.

Calvert placed stickers on state buildings 'advocating various political ideologies'

According to the indictment, "an explosive device was detonated on Feb. 24 at approximately 3:42 a.m. outside of the Alabama Attorney General's Office. ... No injuries or major damage to nearby buildings were reported." Images captured by surveillance cameras showed a person at the scene dressed in dark clothing with their face covered by a mask and glasses.

The office of Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall released an official statement in which he thanks his "federal and local partners for their assistance in this matter and are pleased that the offender faces federal charges carrying significant prison time":

My staff and I are breathing a collective sigh of relief this morning knowing that this individual has been taken off the streets ... Although more information will be provided in the weeks to come, I think it is safe to say that this was not a random act of violence.

04.10.24 Press Release by Veronica Silveri

The memorandum released by NBC News alleges that Calvert - on the same night of the explosion - posted stickers that "advocated various political ideologies " on state buildings. The stickers emblazoned the words "support your local Antifa " and phrases against the police and Immigration and Customs Enforcement:

Prosecutors have asked that Calvert be held without bail. Before the arrest, Calvert posted videos showing… his extensive Antifa propaganda before the attack he is accused of carrying out

According to the report, Calvert repeatedly expressed a "belief that violence should be directed against the Government and has described his inability to control his own violent and aggressive impulses."
