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Joe Biden, a president always on vacation

The head of state has spent almost 40% of his term in office away from the White House. Most of the time, he is vacationing at his beachside residence in Rehoboth Beach, Del.

Joe Biden de Vacaciones

(Gage Skidmore - Flickr)


President Joe Biden was absent from the NATO opening dinner due to a heavy workload during the week. According to the White House, the president avoided the event, as "he had four full days of official business and was preparing for a major speech, plus another day at the summit."

However, this is not the first occasion in which Biden has responded with a “no” to an event with world leaders during an official international trip, in fact it is the third time.

Biden busy, but mostly on vacation

In recent days, images have been shared on social media showing the president enjoying the sun on the beach prior to the NATO summit trip. However, these posts are common. RNC Research conducted research that shows that President Biden spent 353 days, equivalent to 39.2% of his term, on vacation.

One of his favorite places to enjoy a good rest is Wilmington, Del., where he spent 188 days out of 353. However, the president has enjoyed his vacations in other parts of the nation:

- He spent 49 days at his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Del.

- He spent 91 days at Camp David, Md.

- 26 days in other destinations: 12 days in Nantucket, Mass., seven days in Kiawah Island, S.C., and seven days in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Use of public funds for privacy and 30-hour workday

Breitbart News already reported last year that the president spent nearly $500,000 of public money to build a security fence to surround his Rehoboth Beach home.

Not only has Biden spent taxpayer money to keep his privacy out of the way when he's on vacation, but as revealed by The New York Post, even when he is at the White House in Washington working, the president has a set workday of 30 hours a week: "Most of Biden's public events occur between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.".

The media outlet also added that its staff "frequently finishes work before noon."

Comparison with other presidents

Biden has broken records for being one of the presidents in the nation's modern history to spend the most time of his term on vacation. The president surpasses Donald Trump (spent 132 days away from the White House); Barack Obama (spent only 38 days of his presidency) and even George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
