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Oregon: Democratic Party wants to give $1,000 per month to each homeless person

They would be required to spend all the money on education, rent, healthcare and public transportation.



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Wlnsvey Campos and Khanh Pham, two Democratic state legislators in Oregon, are pushing a bill that would have the state award $1,000 a month in cash to each homeless person and all those earning below 60% of the state's median wage. The law would pay special attention to the elderly, families with children and disadvantaged youth.

According to Bill 603, which has not yet approved, beneficiaries would have to use all the money to cover rent, public transportation c, medical bills and student loans. "Rental assistance is not as readily available as we would like it to be, and I say that as someone who has worked as a case manager in the space to get folks into housing," Campos explained.

If passed in the Oregon General Assembly, a trial period would be orchestrated by the Portland State University Homelessness Research and Action Collaborative. If effective, the measure would be continued.

Criticism of the bill

The bill would use the state’s taxpayer funds to grant this amount to each underprivileged and economically disadvantaged family. Campos said, "We want to make sure that we are being accountable… that we are seeing where the dollars are going, so that’s why this is initially a pilot program."

Many people on social media objected to the Oregon Democrats’ proposal. "It's cheaper to buy them off than actually solving the homeless problem,” said one user. Another asked, "How will they pay for it all? Oh yeah, taxpayer wallets.”

Third highest rate of homelessness of any state

Oregon has the third highest rate of homelessness in the country. According to a report by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, 42 out of every 10,000 people in Oregon were living on the streets in 2022, only surpassed by California (44) and Vermont (43).

In total, there were an estimated 17,959 homeless people on Oregon's streets last year. From 2020 to 2022, this number increased by 22.5% (3,304).
