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41% of Hispanics believe it is appropriate to move illegal immigrants to 'sanctuary cities'

The survey was conducted against the backdrop of one of the nation's largest immigration crises: nearly 2.5 million illegal aliens were detained in the current fiscal year.

(Cordon Press)

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Forty-one percent of Hispanics in the United States believe that the relocation of illegal immigrants by Republican governors to so-called sanctuary cities controlled by Democrats is appropriate, according to a national poll conducted by Morning Consult/Politico. The survey showed that only 35% of respondents rated these actions as inappropriate. An additional 25% indicated that they were not sure or did not have an opinion on the transfer of immigrants to other cities.

Among registered Hispanic voters, the difference between those in favor and against was smaller: 42% favored immigrant relocation and 41% opposed it.

The survey was conducted in the context of one of the largest migration crises ever recorded in the country. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported that 2,493,723 illegal immigrants were apprehended in the current fiscal year: from last October through August. Of that number, 2,150,244 were apprehended at the southern border. The large numbers of people fleeing communist regimes in Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba are driving a new wave of immigration, CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus said in a statement.

Sending immigrants

Last week, DeSantis sent two planes carrying 50 illegal immigrants to Martha's Vineyard, an island in Massachusetts where luxury reigns. One of the examples is that of former President Barack Obama who acquired a twelve hectare property on the island for close to twelve million dollars.

With the arrival of illegal immigrants on Martha's Vineyard, reports surfaced that another plane carrying illegal immigrants may have arrived at a Delaware airport, although it has not yet occurred.

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey and Texas Governor Greg Abbott initiated this wave of illegal immigrant removals a few months ago in protest of President Joe Biden's immigration policies. The first destination of choice was Washington DC. Within days Abbott expanded the range of shipments to New York and Chicago.
