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CNN rips Biden: Trump increases his lead, 61% believe the president's term is a 'failure'

The former president has reached a six-point lead, which increases to nine if Robert F. Kennedy, Cornel West and Jill Stein are included.

Se avecina la revancha: Biden confirma la nominación presidencial demócrata mientras Trump espera los resultados en Washington

Joe Biden y Donald Trump (AFP)

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CNN published a devastating poll that leaves Joe Biden on the ropes. Not only because his rival Donald Trump has increased his lead by two points ahead of the November election, but because 61% of voters describe the current president's term as a "failure." These results come just two days after Gallup announced that Biden's approval rating was the lowest ever at this point in a presidency.

Democratic disaster

The growth of Trump's lead, which is now up to six points, is due to a two-point drop in Biden's support compared to January. Then, Biden earned the support of 45% of voters, while Trump reached 49%. Three months later, voting intentions for the former president remain the same, while Biden has dipped to 43%. Adding third-party candidates, the results are simply devastating for the president. Biden would sink to 33% support, while Trump would win with 42% of the ballots. Robert F. Kennedy would close the podium with 13%, followed by another independent, Cornel West (4%). Green Party candidate Jill Stein closes the list with 3%.

The economy, Biden's main burden

As if that were not enough, the survey leaves a devastating fact for Biden: practically two out of every three voters consider that his term has been a "failure." Adding salt to the wound, 55% of those surveyed consider that Donald Trump's term was "a success." Biden's approval continues to be at rock bottom, with 60% unsatisfied with his work. Inflation (71% disapproval) is once again his Achilles heel, tied with his position on the war in Gaza. Economic management is another sore spot, with resounding disapproval from two out of every three Americans (66%). Biden still fails to hit 50% approval even on his highest-rated policies: health (54% disapproval) and student loan forgiveness (55% disapproval) .

Additionally, voters overwhelmingly indicated that the economy will be the most important aspect when casting their ballot in November. Ninety-two percent consider this aspect extremely (65%) or very important (27%). This is followed by "protecting democracy" (81%), immigration (76%) and crime (76%). Three of the four aspects are clearly deficient for Biden and the Democratic Party. In this sense, CNN observes that "voters who say the economy is deeply important break heavily for Trump in a matchup against Biden, 62% to 30%."
