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Biden: "The Palestinian people deserve a state of their own and a future free from Hamas"

“Our goal should not be simply to stop the war for today — it should be to end the war forever, break the cycle of unceasing violence, and build something stronger in Gaza and across the Middle East so that history does not keep repeating itself,” the president wrote.

pueblo palestino

(Cordon Press(

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, published an extensive column in The Washington Post this Sunday in which he advocated for “a two-state solution” to try to resolve the long-standing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

According to Biden, the only way to ensure long-term security for both the Israeli and Palestinian people is through two states that are completely free of Hamas, where Palestinians and Israelis can live with the same “freedoms, opportunities and dignity.”

In his message, Biden affirmed that the United States unconditionally supports Israel in its right to self-defense after the brutal attacks by Hamas on October 7.

However, the president also stated that the images coming from Gaza, in the midst of Israeli reprisals, have broken his heart.

“The Palestinian people deserve a state of their own and a future free from Hamas. I, too, am heartbroken by the images out of Gaza and the deaths of many thousands of civilians, including children. Palestinian children are crying for lost parents,” Biden wrote. “Parents are writing their child’s name on their hand or leg so they can be identified if the worst happens. Palestinian nurses and doctors are trying desperately to save every precious life they possibly can, with little to no resources. Every innocent Palestinian life lost is a tragedy that rips apart families and communities.”

However, the president said he is not in favor of a ceasefire, as that would only benefit the Hamas terrorists who, according to the Democrat, committed the cruelest and most severe atrocity against Jews since the Holocaust.

In that sense, Biden stressed that the duty of the United States as an international actor, being a key ally of Israel, is not only to end the current war but also to end the climate of ongoing violence between Palestinians and Israelis.

“Our goal should not be simply to stop the war for today — it should be to end the war forever, break the cycle of unceasing violence, and build something stronger in Gaza and across the Middle East so that history does not keep repeating itself,” Biden wrote.

“This much is clear: A two-state solution is the only way to ensure the long-term security of both the Israeli and Palestinian people. Though right now it may seem like that future has never been further away, this crisis has made it more imperative than ever,” he continued.

To achieve this goal, the president wrote that several initial fundamental commitments made by the United States must be met:

1. That Gaza not be used as a platform for terrorism

2. Gaza and the West Bank must be reunified under a single government structure, potentially with a revitalized Palestinian Authority

3. The international community must commit to supporting the people of Gaza in the aftermath of the current crisis.

While this is being accomplished, Biden assured that the U.S. Government and its allies will continue “working to prevent this conflict from spreading and escalating further.”

“I ordered two U.S. carrier groups to the region to enhance deterrence. We are going after Hamas and those who finance and facilitate its terrorism, levying multiple rounds of sanctions to degrade Hamas’s financial structure, cutting it off from outside funding and blocking access to new funding channels, including via social media.”
