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The cost of maintaining illegal immigrants could exceed $451 billion per year

New York City, one of the cities most affected by the immigration crisis, is on track to spend more than $12 billion by 2025 on the tens of thousands of illegal aliens who have arrived since spring of 2022.

Immigrants intercepted in Yuma, Arizona / Sheena Rodriguez.

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The House Committee on Homeland Security majority, led by Chairman Mark E. Green, released its interim report on Monday on the fourth phase of the its comprehensive oversight investigation into the causes, costs and consequences of the crisis on the southern border. The committee detailed that "Total costs just to provide services like these to the illegal aliens released under Mayorkas’ policies ... could exceed $451 billion per year."

The report detailed how the policies of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and President Joe Biden have resulted in the worst border crisis in U.S. history. The committee insisted that this latest report documents the financial costs of the unprecedented border crisis to American taxpayers.

Cities and states are assuming massive costs to house and provide services to illegal aliens being released by DHS into their communities rather than being detained.

Expenses in cities like New York, which receives thousands of immigrants

Likewise, the report explained that the city of New York, which has been one of the most affected by the immigration crisis, is on track to spend more than $12 billion by 2025 on the tens of thousands of illegal migrants who have arrived in the city since the spring of 2022. The report also argued that the "Costs of providing education services to illegal alien children, or the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens, represent enormous expenditures for the states and the federal government."

New York City police officers could lose upwards of $700 million in overtime pay if Mayor Eric Adams’ suggested five-percent pay cuts across the board, in order to pay the costs of illegal aliens arriving in the city, take effect.

'End failed policies'

Mark E. Green, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, rejects the idea that American taxpayers have to pay the price of Joe Biden's open-arms policy on illegal immigration.

Communities across this country, from the smallest border town to our largest city, are dealing with depleted emergency resources, public housing crises, overwhelmed public-school systems, damaged or destroyed property, and overwhelming law enforcement costs—burdens these hardworking taxpayers were never prepared for, and should not be forced to pay.

Green asked Biden and Secretary Mayorkas to take measures to address the immigration crisis and prevent the entry of illegal immigrants. "Today’s report outlines the devastating costs of refusing to enforce our nation’s laws and reaffirms the Homeland majority’s urgent demand for Biden and Mayorkas to end the failed policies that are threatening to bankrupt our cities and states."

Twenty-six attorneys general call for border control

The report coincides with a letter from 26 state attorneys general asking Congress to give state officials the power to take action on illegal immigration when the federal government refuses to deal with the issue. The initiative, promoted by Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, presents an urgent request for Congress to pass the Immigration Enforcement Partnership Act of 2023, or HR 1337.

"More than 280 people on the terrorist watchlist have been caught illegally crossing. While that number sounds high, it is likely low in comparison to those who have evaded capture. Congress must pass the Immigration Enforcement Partnership Act and allow states to do the job Biden refuses to do—as the terror threat continues to grow—secure the border and protect Americans," Moody said.
