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President Joe Biden's disapproval reaches a new high

The worst results that Joe Biden received were on issues such as the economy, immigration and foreign policy.

Joe Biden, presidente de los Estados Unidos, durante una comparecencia en Filadelfia.

(Cordon Press)

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President Joe Biden's approval rating is not improving. At least 59% of citizens disapprove of the Democratic president's management, as demonstrated by a new survey conducted by CNN. The worst results he received were on the issues of immigration, the economy and foreign policy.

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In the case of the economic situation, 64% of Americans expressed their disagreement with the president's performance. As for his handling of immigration, 68% said they did not approve of the way in which the Democrat has dealt with the issue and there was no difference in the opinion on his foreign policy: 60% disapprove of it.

Biden's health concerns

Last month, the index of disapproval of President Joe Biden had already reached high levels, with 56% of voters indicating they do not approve of his performance as the country's leader, according to a NBC News poll. According to the survey, Biden's age - added to his absent-mindedness and lapses in public- are the main challenges facing the 2024 elections.

In that sense, the study revealed that almost three quarters of voters (74%) commented that they were "concerned" about his health status. All of them declared that the current president does not have the "necessary physical and mental health" to serve a second term.

The study was conducted for CNN in collaboration with SSRS, an independent research company. The surveys were obtained from October 4 to 9, 2023 with a sample of at least 1,255 respondents. The margin of sampling error for the total number of respondents is +/- 3.4.
