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A second poll confirms Trump's wide advantage over Biden in the race for the White House

The latest HarrisX poll shows that the former president has gained ground over the current president (46%-41%) since the previous poll which put him at a one-point lead.

(Cordon Press)

The latest poll conducted by HarrisX (September 13-19) puts Donald Trump (46%) five points ahead of Joe Biden (41%) in the 2024 presidential election.

The results show that the former president has gained ground over the current president since the last time a similar poll was conducted (September 6-11). On that date, Trump beat Biden by just one point (44%-43%).

HarrisX Poll by Veronica Silveri on Scribd

The vote of independent voters can be decisive in the upcoming elections. This group of voters overwhelmingly backed Trump (42%) over Biden (34%). The other 24% are still undecided.

Biden's approval rate is at an all-time low

The poll also reaffirmed that Biden's approval rating is an all-time low. 56% of voters are unhappy with his performance as the country's leader. These results coincide with those obtained in another poll conducted by NBC News.

The NBC poll revealed that the president's net favorability rating is also low (only 39% view him favorably). Biden's age, added to his recent spells of confusion and memory lapses, are the main factors working against him as he goes into the 2024 election.

The poll revealed that almost three-quarters of voters (74%) said they were "concerned" about the president's health. All of them believe that the president does not have the "necessary physical and mental health" to serve a second term.

Nearly six (59%) in 10 Democratic voters want another candidate to challenge Biden in the Democratic primary, and 57% believe the president should not run for re-election.

Unlike Biden, former President Trump has greater support from voters in his party. The majority of Republicans (73%) say he should run for the White House in 2024.
