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Most young Black voters don't want Biden to be reelected

Only 36 percent of young Black Americans believe Biden has accomplished something "good" or "great" in the country.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden (Gage Skidmore-Wikimedia)

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Most young people don't want Joe Biden to be reelected as president of the United States. This was proven by a study published by the American Enterprise Institute, which revealed that only 21% of Black people between 18 and 49 years old want Biden to be the Democratic candidate.

Similarly, the report indicated that only 36% of young Black Americans believe that Biden has achieved something "good" or "great" in the country. In addition, the institute explained that another thing that may be influencing Black people's declining support for Joe Biden is his age.

However, the study points out that more than a third of respondents believe that the Democratic Party looks down on them. "One poll, of course, is hardly definitive. Much remains unsettled more than a year from the general. Nevertheless, survey after survey suggests President Biden has real weaknesses with core Democratic constituencies," the institute said.

These results are nothing new. Last month, Voz Media reported the results of another poll in which Black voters also expressed their concern about the Biden administration. They too were worried about the country's economy.

"Our economy is the lowest in God knows how long. We keep [sending] money to Ukraine and other countries instead of helping ourselves," said one respondent who lives in New Jersey.
