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More Republicans back Trump than Democrats support Biden

Looking ahead to the 2024 elections, only 31% of Democratic voters are in favor of the president continuing for four more years.

Joe Biden y Donald Trump

(Voz Media - Cordon Press)

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A majority of Democrats oppose Joe Biden. According to a poll by ABC News and The Washington Post, nearly six in 10 Democratic Party voters (58%) prefer another candidate for president in the 2024 election, while only 31% support him. On the other hand, Donald Trump, who has already made his candidacy official, has more support than opposition among his party's electorate (49% and 44%, respectively).

So far, Biden has not confirmed that he will be a candidate in the next presidential election, although he has expressed his willingness to run. A second term for both leaders is rated more negatively than positively. While 36% of the entire electorate is in favor of the Biden administration continuing for four more years, 62% is not. Trump's return to the presidency is rated positively by 42% of voters, compared to 56% who are against.

The ABC News/Washington Post poll is not the only one showing voters' pessimism regarding a second term for Joe Biden. According to a poll by The Associated Press (AP) and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, only 37% of Democratic voters want the president to run. In October, 52% were in favor of having Biden in office for four more years. In less than half a year Biden's popularity has suffered a considerable drop.

Under-45s oppose Biden

The AP sorted results by age, which showed that Biden's decline in popularity is most noticeable among those under 45 years of age. Prior to the midterm elections, a possible candidacy of the president for 2024 was supported by 45% from this age group. Now, that figure is only 23%.

Among those over 45 years of age, support also fell, although the decline was less steep. In October, 58% supported Biden announcing his candidacy for re-election. Now, that number has dropped to 49%.

Poor management

Turning to The Washington Post and ABC News poll, it is clear that Joe Biden's overall support is waning. Only 18% of the electorate strongly approves of how Biden is managing his presidency. Forty-two percent think the opposite.

The issues where the president suffers most are the migration crisis and the war in Ukraine. For both issues, 59% disapprove of his handling of the respective situations.

Economic management is also seen as a weakness for the president. Forty-one percent rate the economic situation poorly, taking into account high inflation, a continued rise in interest rates and the Biden administration's repeated attempts to raise the debt ceiling.

The survey also asked about the controversial discovery of classified documents in several of Joe Biden's private offices. Twenty-seven percent believe that the president knew about the presence of such material and that he intentionally kept them.
