DeSantis asks Grand Jury for vaccine investigation
The Florida Governor accuses the Biden Administration, Fauci and pharmaceutical companies of manipulating, misrepresenting and hiding the facts about the effects of vaccination.

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has submitted a brief to the Grand Jury to demand an investigation into any "criminal or illegal activity in Florida related to the development, promotion, and distribution of vaccines purported to prevent COVID19 infection, symptoms, and transmission." DeSantis also announced that he will create a committee of experts to contrast the federal health recommendations coming from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), led by.
DeSantis announced what he termed as an "aggressive action" after a meeting with physicians, researchers and "victims of adverse effects of mRNA vaccines." Over the course of the 20-page document, DeSantis lists the lies and contradictions of the pharmaceutical industry and the Biden Administration, especially those carried out by Fauci and his department so "pervasive that the President of the United States himself believed it to be true."
Vaccination, "ethical or civic duty."
In listing the facts to be investigated, the Governor's Office charges that "The federal government, medical associations, and other experts have created an expectation that receiving a COVID-19 vaccine is an ethical or civic duty and that choosing not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 is selfish and harmful to others." In this regard, he criticized the harm created for Floridians who voluntarily chose not to be vaccinated. The text makes special mention of the military, who "were forced to submit to COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment."
The paper particularly criticizes the obsession with imposing the vaccines, "even as evidence emerged of increased cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in those vaccinated arose." Moreover, he condemns that, despite the fact that the same pharmaceutical companies were forced to correct their percentage of effectiveness and add the adverse effects that were becoming known, the Biden Administration continued to promote vaccination with the idea that "unvaccinated people spread the virus" and that "the best way to slow the spread of COVID-19 and to prevent infection by the Delta variant or other variants was to be vaccinated." At one point, the letter states that it went so far as to say that "you're not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations."
More risks than benefits in the vaccination of children
Among the direct accusations against Fauci, they point out that he "unequivocally asserted that the vaccines prevented transmission." And the White House issued a press briefing just last year, only days before Christmas, threatening 'the unvaccinated' with 'a winter of severe illness and death.'"
DeSantis charges in the brief that, in the face of indications from pharmaceutical and federal agencies about the efficacy and safety of vaccines in children, "the Florida Department of Health recognized reduced COVID-19 vaccine efficacy in children and a limited risk of severe illness from COVID-19 in healthy children. The Florida Department of Health issued guidance recommending that healthy children may not benefit from the COVID-19 vaccine and recognizing that the risk of myocarditis, particularly for adolescents 16 years of age and above, may outweigh the benefit of COVID-19 vaccination."
Increased risk of heart disease in vaccinated patients
Regarding heart conditions among those vaccinated, the Governor's Office indicates that "In April 2021, increased cases of myocarditis and pericarditis were reported in individuals in the United States after receiving the Pfizer and Moderna's COVID-19 vaccinations." DeSantis recalls that, at first, both companies denied that heart disease was related to the vaccine, but were forced to rectify this later and include it among the possible adverse effects.
However, "The Florida Department of Health conducted its own analysis through a self-controlled case series to study mortality risk following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination and found an increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related deaths among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination." The report also includes studies from countries such as France and Germany, the results of which confirm the findings of the Florida reports.
Creation of a proprietary CDC
DeSantis emphasized that "Florida law prohibits fraudulent practices, including the dissemination of false or misleading advertisements of a drug and the use of any representation or suggestion in any advertisement relating to a drug that an application of a drug is effective when it is not." Therefore, "an investigation is warranted to determine whether the pharmaceutical industry has engaged in fraudulent practices. The people of Florida deserve to know the truth."
The governor also announced the creation of a Public Health Integrity Committee, led by Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, composed of experts who will analyze recommendations from federal health agencies to ensure the health of Floridians. Ladapo announced that the state will investigate, along with the University of Florida, the "sudden deaths of people who received the COVID-19 vaccine in Florida."