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Maloney (D-N.Y) hits back at AOC: "She didn't do anything for our frontline candidates"

On Wednesday, the New York congresswoman openly criticized state Democratic leaders whom she blamed for poor results in the House of Representatives.

AOC y Maloney

(Archivo/ Wikimedia)

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The results of the midterms in New York were not as good as the Democratic Party had hoped. At least in the elections for the House of Representatives. There they lost four seats to Republicans and the Congresswoman from the 14th House District, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) already has someone to blame: the rest of New York's state Democratic leaders. But they are not willing to take all the blame.

Sean Patrick Maloney, the Democratic candidate running to represent the 18th District, was highly critical of AOC, for whom he had some harsh words during an interview on Thursday in the New York Times:

Let’s be clear, she had almost nothing to do with what turned out to be an historic defense of our majority. Didn’t pay a dollar of dues. Didn’t do anything for our frontline candidates except give them money when they didn’t want it from her.

The head of the Democratic House campaign committee was defending himself against AOC's accusations against state Democratic leaders on Wednesday. She took particular umbrage with New York Democratic Committee Chairman Jay Jacobs, for whom she went so far as to call for his resignation.

Maloney questions Ocasio-Cortez policies

Maloney, who lost his seat in House District 18, decided to answer AOC by questioning the support she may have among voters:

There are other voices who should be heard, especially when suburban voters have clearly rejected the ideas that she’s most associated with, from defunding the police on down. She’s an important voice in our politics. But when it comes to passing our agenda through the Congress, or standing our ground on the political battlefield, she was nowhere to be found.

Some comments to which the congresswoman has already replied to on her Twitter profile. There she wrote a thread in which she claimed that she had donated over a quarter of a million dollars during this election:
