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Trump calls on GOP to end "tyranny of censorship"

"Every freedom-loving American needs to understand the time to stand up to this growing tyranny is right now in this election."

Donald Trump, former US President

Gage Skidmore/ Flickr

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Donald Trump called on Republican voters to turn out to the polls in November's midterm elections and end the "growing tyranny" of censorship.

In Nevada, where Trump asked for the Republican vote for Adam Laxalt and Joe Lombardo, candidates for Senate and governor, respectively. The former president condemned the Democratic Party’s attempts to wipe out the conservative movement:

The Democrats are locking up their political opponents, spying on their political rivals, silencing dissent and using the full force of government law enforcement and the media, the fake media, to try and crush our movement (...) Every freedom-loving American needs to understand the time to stand up to this growing tyranny is right now in this election. We have to do it. We do not have the luxury of waiting.

The former president called on people to go to the polls at a time of vital importance for the country. Trump noted that "as bad as things are today, if radical Democrats maintain their control over the House and Senate, your finances, your family, your community and your country can never recover," Donald Trump warned the crowd in Minden, Nevada, Saturday night.

Donald Trump called on Republicans to fight growing censorship, noting that efforts to silence dissent and deploy security forces against opponents were bringing the country to a "tipping point.”

Reclaiming the House and Senate to end censorship

In this regard, the former president noted that if the Republicans regain Congress in the mid-term elections, it is essential that they pass legislation to reverse the growing trend of censorship.

One of our highest priorities under a Republican Congress will be to stop left wing censorship and to restore free speech in America.

As such, the president encouraged Republicans to "keep fighting" to win elections for "six years in a row." Only then, said Trump, can Republicans "restore our country to greatness."

Criticism of the Democratic Administration and 'Trump 2024' Candidacy

Donald Trump listed the consequences of the Biden Administration in these two years in office. "Under Democratic rule, the price of gasoline in Nevada has gone up 100%," he pointed out. The former president regretted that everything is "falling apart" in this period.

He also alluded to the immigration crisis, saying "the southern border has been abolished, illegal aliens are entering by the millions and our country is being inundated with fentanyl.”

Trump also addressed his personal situation following the raid on his Mar-a-Lago residence. "For six straight years, the witch hunts, hoaxes and abuses have been coming at us fast and furious," Trump said. "We have a weaponized Department of Justice and FBI on everything, including of the courts. I mean think of this, how about, including the break in of my home," he said.

It's a disgrace what's happening in this country. It's a disgrace, but it's crystal clear that they're coming after me because I fight for you and I fight for America.

As for the possibility of running for reelection in 2024, the former president left an open ended message: "We may have to do it again," he announced to applause and cheers from the crowd gathered in Nevada.
