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Kamala Harris’ border disaster: open borders, tragic losses, and leadership failure

The administration’s open-border policies have turned the U.S. into a middleman for human trafficking. This betrayal has disproportionately harmed Hispanics. Returning to an America First agenda is the only way to restore safety.

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March for Border SecurityJoseph Prezioso/AFP.

If Kamala Harris were truly tasked with finding the root cause of the border crisis, all she needed to do was look in the mirror – because the chaos started with her and the Biden-Harris Administration.

In her recent interview with Bret Baier on Fox News, Harris dodged responsibility for the administration’s reckless immigration policies. Faced with questions about their reversal of President Trump’s successful policies, including Remain in Mexico, Harris deflected, pivoted, and avoided giving real answers. The result? Wide open borders, skyrocketing illegal immigration, and Americans left to bear the deadly consequences.

"Families who have lost loved ones because of this administration’s recklessness need leaders who will put safety over politics."

One of the most devastating outcomes of this failure is the more than 325,000 Hispanic children lost or sold into trafficking networks, abandoned by the very government that promised to protect them. This tragedy is compounded by the fact that the human trafficking industry – already a $150 billion-a-year global enterprise – has only grown under this administration’s policies. Federal agencies like the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Homeland Security (DHS) have become unwilling accomplices, as whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas testified before Congress last year. She exposed how HHS has delivered unaccompanied minors into the hands of predators. Where is Kamala Harris on this issue? Where is HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra or DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas? Their silence is deafening.

The long trail of victims of the Biden-Harris border crisis

What makes Harris’s inaction even more outrageous is her public rhetoric. She claims to champion the protection of women, yet 75% of human trafficking victims are women, and 25% are children. These are the very people suffering under the Biden-Harris Administration’s open-border policies, which fuel exploitation, violence, and modern-day slavery. The irony is stark. While Harris claims to fight for women, her inaction enables traffickers to thrive.

The border crisis has left a trail of victims beyond just trafficking. The deaths of Jocelyn Nungaray, Laken Riley, and Rachel Morin – young Americans murdered by illegal immigrants – are painful reminders of the consequences of abandoning immigration enforcement. These are not isolated incidents but the direct result of the administration’s deliberate dismantling of policies that once protected our communities. When Bret Baier pressed Kamala Harris on these horrific cases in the Fox News interview, she had no answers; instead, she deflected from the issue and attempted to shift the conversation. Throughout the exchange, she expressed no compassion for the victims, leaving Americans with more questions than confidence in her leadership.

Kamala Harris refuses to explain why more than 90 of President Trump’s executive orders on immigration, designed to secure the border and curb illegal immigration, were scrapped. Instead, the administration’s open-border policies have turned the U.S. into a middleman for human trafficking. This betrayal has disproportionately harmed Hispanics, the very community Harris pretends to champion. Whether it’s exploitation by traffickers or illegal immigrants being used for underpaid labor, this administration’s negligence has made them even more vulnerable.

The America First movement, a clear path forward

The victims of this crisis deserve more than sympathy. They deserve accountability. Families who have lost loved ones because of this administration’s recklessness need leaders who will put safety over politics. President Trump’s America First policies showed us that border security is achievable. His administration enforced immigration laws, implemented Remain in Mexico, and cracked down on traffickers. These policies worked – and had they remained in place, thousands of American lives could have been saved.

Returning to an America First agenda is the only way to restore safety. We need leaders who will enforce our immigration laws, close the loopholes exploited by traffickers, and protect our citizens. Kamala Harris has proven she is unwilling to lead. She won’t change course – her record makes that clear. The real question is how much longer Americans will tolerate leaders who put politics over safety.

It’s time for action. With the right leadership, we can secure the border, end human trafficking, defeat the drug cartels, and ensure that no more families are destroyed by policies that put ideology over common sense. The America First movement, led by President Donald Trump, offers a clear path forward – one where the safety of American families comes first, not last.

Bob Unanue serves as senior advisor America First Works and chairman of the Hispanic Leadership Coalition. He is President and Chief Executive Officer of Goya Foods and Goya Cares and served as Executive Producer of the movie Sound of Freedom.

Jorge Martinez serves as Hispanic outreach strategist and Spanish spokesperson for America First Works. He previously served as press secretary for the U.S. Department of Justice.
