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Macron's cowardly blackmail of Israel

The Jewish state has everything that Macron does not: pride and courage. The French leader can continue to blackmail to please the Islamists and the left in his country, but Israel will not allow itself to be exterminated.

Emmanuel Macron and Benjamin NetanyahuKamil Zihnioglu / Pool / AFP.

French President Emmanuel Macron recently stated in a closed-door meeting with his cabinet that Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "must not forget that his country was created by a U.N. decision. Therefore, he must not free himself from U.N. decisions," reported the French newspaper Le Parisien.

These statements by Macron, which imply nothing more than an attempt at mafia blackmail that will in no way affect the defense of Israel, were made in reference to the recent incidents that occurred in the south of Lebanon, near the border with the Jewish state, in which positions of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), were fired upon.

It should be noted that the UNIFIL has time and again refused the requests of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to withdraw some 3 miles north into Lebanon to avoid putting its personnel at risk. Rather, it prefers to continue intervening in the Israelis' counter-terrorist campaign in Lebanese territory. This situation, as mentioned, resulted in a series of incidents in which some of its positions came under fire. In one of them, in which only two UNIFIL soldiers were slightly wounded, the IDF was involved while fighting Hezbollah terrorists.

But what is UNIFIL's role? It is supposedly deployed in the south of Lebanese soil to ensure calm in the region. But like everything the U.N. usually does, it is useless at best. In fact, Resolution 1701, passed after the Second Lebanon War in 2006, requires among other things that Hezbollah withdraw north of the Litani River, which the terrorist group refuses to do and which is what leads to the continuation of the war in the area. What is UNIFIL's response? No problem, thank you.

Netanyahu's response

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not remain silent and decided to respond to Macron. "A reminder to the French president: it was not a U.N. decision that established the State of Israel, but the victory that was achieved in the War of Independence with the blood of our heroic fighters, many of whom were Holocaust survivors, including from the Vichy regime in France," the Prime Minister's Office stated. Nothing to add.

Macron tries to conceal his cowardice

Macron's blackmail is not new. About two weeks ago, the French president asked to carry out an arms embargo on the Jewish state. In a radio interview, he stated that France does not send weapons to Israel. He added that "Lebanon cannot become a new Gaza."

With his forceful tone, Macron is trying to cover his cowardice. In reality, with this blackmail, the French president is trying to please the large Islamic population and the political left in his country. He knows very well that in both sectors there is a large number of radicals willing to use extreme violence.

Macron, as a good race politician, thinks only in the short term. He doesn't care that the Islamists, with the temporary support of the leftists, are devouring his own country.

Israel will not accept moral lessons from an immoral man

The U.N. decision in 1947 mentioned by Macron is a further demonstration of the genocidal intentions of those who are now known as "Palestinians," who at the time were simply Arabs in a British colony. Arguably, the birth of "Palestinian" as a "nationality" exists thanks to the creation of the State of Israel, with the excuse of being "a suffering people" emerging in the 1960s so that they could justify calls to throw the Jews into the sea, a discourse that many cowardly Macron-style leaders and progressive personalities have bought into.

As mentioned, the Arabs of that British colony refused to create a state because their goal never was and never has been and never will be to create one, but rather is to carry out genocide against the Jews, a goal that prevails to this day.

Perhaps it bothers them that Israel has been a decolonizing movement that just wants to be left alone and, as history has shown, has even surrendered territories and sovereignty in exchange for peace, a peace that the Palestinians and other Islamists do not want. Yes, perhaps it is the decolonizing spirit of the Zionists that bothers them, because as current Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said in 2018, after Macron called the Italians "repulsive," "cynical" and "irresponsible" for not allowing the arrival of illegal immigrants, the one who is truly repulsive, cynical and irresponsible is the French leader.

Meloni stated, "The irresponsible ones, Emmanuel Macron, are those who bombed Libya because they were annoyed that Italy had a privileged relationship in the energy field with Gaddafi, ... they are who left us facing the chaos of illegal immigration that we are facing now. The cynics, Emmanuel Macron, are the French who send the Gendarmerie to turn back any immigrant who tries to cross the border at Ventimiglia. But above all, because things have to be told correctly, repulsive are those who, like France, continue to exploit Africa by printing money for 14 African countries, on which they apply seigniorage, making children work in their mines extracting raw materials, as in Niger, where France extracts 30% of the uranium it uses to operate its nuclear reactors while 90% of Nigeriens live without electricity. Don't come to give us moral lessons, Macron, because Africans are fleeing [your continent] because of you. And the solution is not to transfer Africans to Europe, but to liberate Africa from some Europeans. We will not accept your moral lessons, is that clear?"

Touché. Israel will not accept moral lessons from an immoral like Macron either.

Israel will not be subdued

Macron can go on blackmailing, but Israel will not let itself be exterminated; it will not let itself be subdued by the radical terrorists around it and will instead put them in their place, as it did with Haniyeh, Nasrallah and many others. The list will go on, because the Jewish state does not want to meet the dark fate to which Macron and other French and European leaders have been leading Europe.

Israel has everything that Macron does not: pride and courage. And perhaps it is that other characteristic that bothers the repulsive, cynical and irresponsible French leader.

The Jewish state is today the pillar of freedom in the West. It is doing the dirty work that the Macrons of the world not only do not dare to do, but also repudiate while subjecting their own population to an increasingly slow suicide in exchange for short-sighted aspirations.

Macron must understand this once and for all: Never again is now, whether he likes it or not.
