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The Democratic National Convention is over and we still don't know what Kamala's plan is

Sentimental speeches, supposed good intentions, and hundreds of attacks on Trump, but we still don't have clear proposals. They want to confuse people to win the elections.

Kamala Harris arrives at the Democratic National ConventionRobyn Beck / AFP

The Democratic National Convention is over, and Kamala Harris is still not giving an interview and not explaining to Americans what her proposals are. We saw a Convention with a lot of sentiment; many personal stories references to the Democrats' supposed vocation of service, and hundreds of attacks on Trump, but no plan to solve the country's fundamental problems.

For many, this week left outstanding speeches, such as those of the Obamas; and emotional speeches, such as that of vice presidential candidate Tim Waltz; others have assured that Kamala's speech was also outstanding, but beyond the forms and emotions, the country lives a complicated moment in different key aspects. On how to lower inflation, fight crime, and solve the situation at the border, we still don't have any details.

Kamala and Waltz assured that they will work to lower the prices of products, housing, medicine and to ensure the "freedom" of Americans. The reality is that almost any politician, not only in the United States but anywhere in the world, promises the same thing: the key is in the plan. It is not the same to seek prosperity by providing the conditions for a prosperous business environment, which generates well-paying jobs, as it is to seek "prosperity" by regulating prices.

During these four days, we did not hear the Democrats mention again the issue of price regulation, but that does not mean that it has been discarded from their plan. The campaign probably decided not to mention it after even media outlets like the Washington Post and CNN criticized the proposal and detailed the negative consequences of such measures.

The Democrats' failure to speak out during the convention on price-control is further confirmation of that the want to confuse people in order to win the elections. Extreme voters, those who do want price controls, are going to stick with Kamala's speech in which she proposed the issue. The moderates are going to leave in their heads the other occasions in which she has only talked about "fighting for the working class," a goal on which we all agree, the difference is in the way.

It must be emphasized that these are not only vague statements and generalities but also lies and attacks on Trump without any basis. Kamala claimed that the border was in crisis because Donald Trump failed to pass her border security bill. Kamala is campaigning asserting that Trump did not secure her border. She's the one in charge; she's the vice president. Trump never needed a bill to leave one of the most secure borders in history. Moreover, the proposals embodied in that bill did nothing more than normalize the crisis, it's very easy to understand why Republicans didn't want to pass it.

Kamala also insisted that she has always worked for the neediest classes. The data do not support that claim. Different studies show that it is precisely the poorest who have been most affected by rising prices, since Harris and Biden took office, prices have increased by 20%.

The only thing the Democratic Party did during these four days was to give pretty speeches, for some moving, but actually lacking in any substance and detail and riddled with lies and inaccuracies. Americans cannot be satisfied with a woman who shares responsibility for the crises the country is experiencing, simply saying: I will lower prices and improve the situation of workers.

If Kamala Harris decides to effectively burden business owners with crippling taxes, what we will see will be higher prices and increased unemployment. If she decides to implement price controls, we will see shortages. If she pushes through her border security bill or simply continues with her current policy on the border, what is coming is more crime and even a threat to national security. The Democratic Party needs to explain the how, not simply present a wish list that anyone can agree to.
