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The left’s assault on law enforcement

Deportation is the appropriate remedy for illegal aliens who assault our brave men and women of law enforcement.

Desfile de policías en NY.

(Cordon Press)

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In a time when public safety and respect for law enforcement should be paramount, it is disheartening to witness a significant number of elected officials on the Left turning their backs on the brave men and women who risk their lives to protect us. Recently, 148 Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives voted against a crucial bill aimed at detaining and deporting illegal aliens who assault police officers. This vote to protect criminal aliens is not only a betrayal of our law enforcement officers but also a disservice to the safety and well-being of American citizens and legal immigrants.

The Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act is straightforward, an unambiguous proposal to ensure that any illegal alien who assaults a police officer would face mandatory detention and deportation. This measure was designed to send a clear message: acts of violence by those in our country unlawfully against those who uphold our laws and safeguard our communities will not be tolerated. Yet, 148 Democrats chose to oppose this commonsense legislation, raising serious questions about their commitment to public safety and the rule of law.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation released a report that showed 79,091 officers were assaulted in 2023, the highest rate in 10 years. Our police officers already face immense challenges, operating under the constant threat of violence — often from individuals who have little regard for the law. The added risk of facing assailants who, if not held accountable, might remain within our borders only compounds these challenges. By voting against this bill, these Democrats have effectively signaled that the safety of our law enforcement officers is secondary to their political agendas of supporting criminal aliens.

This decision also sends a troubling message to the broader public. It suggests that the safety and security of American citizens are negotiable, subject to the whims of political expediency. The consequences of such a stance are far-reaching. When our elected officials prioritize the interests of those who break our laws over those who enforce them, it undermines the very foundation of our legal system and erodes public trust.

Assaulting a police officer is a serious crime, and those who commit such acts, regardless of their immigration status, must face appropriate consequences.

The argument from those opposing the bill revolves around baseless concerns about immigration enforcement and the potential for racial profiling. Criminal aliens often prey on immigrant communities who also deserve to live their lives in a safe environment. Assaulting a police officer is a serious crime, and those who commit such acts, regardless of their immigration status, must face appropriate consequences. Deportation is the appropriate remedy for illegal aliens who assault our brave men and women of law enforcement.

Moreover, the notion that this bill would lead to widespread racial profiling is a red herring. The legislation is specifically targeted at individuals who have committed a violent crime against a police officer. It does not advocate for indiscriminate or arbitrary detention and deportation of immigrants. Instead, it seeks to ensure that those who pose a clear and present danger to public safety are removed from our communities. This should not be a partisan issue; it is a matter of common sense and public safety.

The 148 Democrats who voted against this bill must be held accountable for their decision. Their constituents deserve to know why they chose to side with criminal aliens who assault police officers rather than stand with the men and women who put their lives on the line every day. They need to explain why they believe the rights of violent offenders who have also broken our immigration laws should take precedence over the safety of law-abiding citizens and the officers who protect them.

It is incumbent upon all of us to demand that our elected officials prioritize the safety of our communities and the men and women who serve and protect us.

At the America First Policy Institute, we believe in putting the safety and security of the American people first. We stand with our law enforcement officers and will continue to advocate for policies that protect them and uphold the rule of law. The recent vote against this vital bill is a stark reminder of the work that remains to be done. It is incumbent upon all of us to demand that our elected officials prioritize the safety of our communities and the men and women who serve and protect us.

The vote against detaining and deporting illegal aliens who assault police officers is a clear abdication of responsibility by 148 Democrats. It is a decision that jeopardizes public safety and undermines the rule of law. We must continue to advocate for policies that protect our law enforcement officers and hold those who harm them accountable. The American people deserve no less.
