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A political suicide named Nikki Haley

No sensible politician can afford to lose by more than 30 points in their home state.



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One of the most important things in politics is to be surrounded by people who give good advice. Nikki Haley seems to be surrounded by people who, instead of thinking about the Republican's political future, are obsessed with maintaining their salaries for as long as possible and, therefore, recommend that she continue in a race where the chances of winning are practically non-existent.

The next primary is in South Carolina, Haley's home state. According to polls, Trump is 30 points ahead. No sensible candidate can afford to lose by such a wide margin in their home state. It is political suicide. At this point, it is not only that she has no chance of winning but that each defeat hurts her political career more. Haley will surely want to be a candidate again for the 2028 elections and should consider that now.

It doesn't do her any good to look like a stubborn person who fails to see the obvious and who wastes her donors' money and her volunteers' time. It also doesn't suit her to be remembered as the queen of defeats, much less lose in her own state by such an abysmal difference. Added to that, Haley is increasingly earning the rejection of Trump voters, who are the hard base of the Republican Party. This does nothing to help her future political career.

Even if Trump were forced to exit the race due to legal issues or any other reason, that doesn't ensure that Haley would get the nomination. It is the delegates at the Convention who decide who will be the candidate. With the great support that Trump has shown among the Republican base, added to the increasingly aggressive statements that Haley is making against the former president, they will likely discard her and choose someone who represents the MAGA agenda rather than a moderate candidate like Haley.

Capricious and obsessed with an idea that has no viability, Haley will continue as far as her donors' money allows. In the last few hours, it has become known that Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, will not donate any more money to her campaign. The billionaire is known for donating to Democratic causes and has said that while he supports President Biden, he believed Haley was the candidate most likely to beat Trump.

Like Hoffman, many of Haley's donors hate former President Trump with all their might. Some are Democrats, some are not, but they feel good about donating to the former UN ambassador's campaign, as it is their way of doing something to stop Trump from winning. At this point in the competition, when it is obvious that Haley has no chance, we will surely see that donors will withdraw their support as the days go by. However, some will remain because, for a billionaire who hates Trump, the issue of donating to the campaign may not bother their bank accounts as much. It gives them pleasure and the opportunity to brag that they tried everything possible to stop, or at least be a nuisance as much as possible, the former president.

Nikki Haley should think about her political career for 2028 and withdraw from the primaries now, but it seems we will have to wait for investors to get tired. We'll see how long they will put up money to spite Trump.
