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Ex-employee admits Google controls media to "move everyone to the left"

In an interview, Zach Vorhies calls for a National Security audit and points out that "Google are receiving money from this through the back door."



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Google may be infiltrated with spies working for the Chinese communist regime. After learning of the company's million-dollar fine for continuing to secretly collect users' location information, Zach Vorhies, a former software engineer at the company, pointed out the company’s suspected ties to China in an interview with the media outlet The New American:

Look, I think that the problem with Google is the problem with a lot of socialist countries, is that they’ve cut back all the feedback mechanisms and silenced dissent. They’ve pretty much purged the country, and they’re infiltrated with Chinese spies.

Calls for a federal investigation

Vorhies, who was an 11-year employee of Alphabet Inc., the parent company of Google and YouTube, added that the company modified its algorithms, which are calculations Google uses to determine the relevance of each website in the search engine's results pages. He is calling for an urgent federal investigation:

Look, if you want to solve the whole, you know, Google problem right away, you’ve got to get National Security involved because it’s littered with Chinese spies, it’s infiltrated just deeply to the core of the company. That would be the most forceful, immediate way to do it. Longer term, I see Google collapsing. I see that their products just keep on getting worse. Their ad business is probably being supplemented by a surveillance agreement with China, and so I think that if we start getting, I mean look, you can just go to YouTube and download any video you want using specialized tools. Why do you think that is? Right, like I think that the reason why YouTube allows all its videos to be copied is because China is running a data collection program on the total sum output of creativity coming out on all the platforms.

In addition, he believes that the Chinese communist regime is funding Google and YouTube in order to collect user information:

I think that it’s possible that YouTube and Google are receiving money from this through the back door, so I feel like if the Dems and the Republicans wanted to fix this right away, they would just get National Security involved, start doing an audit.

"Move everyone to the left"

Vorhies fulfilled a dream when he started working at Google, but it soon turned into "a nightmare." Google's goal was to change the thinking of all users by controlling information:

It was Google’s intention … to move everyone to the left via controlling through digital means the Overton Window of society. So I realized this was an existential threat to society. I was like this is going to be really bad if I blow the whistle on them, but someone’s got to know. The American people ought to know that Google is boldface lying to them, and they’ve got a monopoly in all of our information.