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Mayra Flores warns Hispanics about Soros' media maneuvers: "He wants to erase our values"

"Fight for your grandmothers' values. This is a battle of good versus evil, and they want to take everything away from us," the congresswoman warns.

Mayra Flores. Mayra

(Mayra Flores For Congress)

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Mayra Flores issues a warning to the Hispanic community in the face of George Soros' assault on several radio stations. Congresswoman urges Hispanics to "fight for their values" in the face of the far-left tycoon's stunt. Soros is buying 18 Spanish-language radio stations to control the Hispanic audience.

"He wants the Hispanic community to forget about God and family values," Flores warns in an interview on The Truth podcast. The Republican appeals to Hispanics, aware of Soros' moves around the globe to control the media:

"Fight for your grandmother's values. Fight for the values your parents taught you and instill those values in your children and grandchildren. Because they want to take everything away from us.

Flores' warning comes as the purchase of these media outlets by the Latino Media Network, a Soros-funded progressive group, moves forward. It consists of a total of 18 Spanish-language radio stations in 10 cities with a high Latino presence. This would be a powerful loudspeaker that the left could use to attract the Hispanic vote, increasingly . The mogul is one of the main Democratic benefactors and radio is one of the most widespread media in the Hispanic community.

Escape from Radio Mambí

One of the stations taken over by Soros' representatives is Radio Mambí, a station closely linked to Cuban exiles fleeing communism. The tycoon's assault has provoked the departure of prominent anchors. This is the case of Lourdes Ubieta or Nelson Rubio, conservative voices that have decided to leave before suffering the Marxist censorship that many media outlets around the world are already suffering.

Although Radio Mambi is the main reference in the acquisition of the group, controlled by Jess Morales Rocketto, former Hillary for America employee, and Stephanie Valencia, former Obama White House official. The Soros-managed network will also control stations in other important markets, such as New York, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and San Antonio.

The transaction is still pending approval by the Federal Communications Commission and control of those stations may not be completed by the November midterm elections. However, Mayra Flores asks the Hispanic voter to be very attentive to the media messages "because this is really a battle of good versus evil," she says.

Flores is the first Mexican-born congresswoman to win the Texas 34th District seat for the Republican Party. This is an area with an abundant Hispanic population and a traditional Democratic vote, making it very representative of the electoral trend change that is taking place in the country. Hence, the importance given by the left to control of the in an attempt to redirect the vote to the Democrat Party.
