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Don Alhart, the longest-serving TV news broadcaster in the world

The associate news director of WHAM-TV has more than 57 years experience working in the television news industry.

(Captura de pantalla YouTube 13WHAM ABC News)

Don Alhart, el presentador de noticias con la carrera más larga del mundo (Captura de pantalla YouTube 13WHAM ABC News)

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A television news anchor from Rochester, N.Y., achieved the record for longest career as a male television news broadcaster. This was reported by the official website for the Guinness World Records.

Don Alhart, 79, has more than 57 years working in the television news industry. In 2016, he was recognized for his 50th year on the job. "Between 1965 and 1966, he began working as an on-air DJ for WTKO Radio in Ithaca New York while also working for WOKR-TV (Channel 13) as a reporter and photographer," the Guinness World Records page detailed.

Alhart said he never really thought about longevity until the station celebrated his 25th anniversary, followed by his 30th, 40th and 50th. "I never did it for the money and probably would have paid the station to let me work at first," said the veteran anchor.

He also encouraged those who want to make a career in television to do so if they are truly passionate about it. He maintained that, in his opinion, the best thing about his career has been enjoying what he has done.

"So many work because they must and may not enjoy what they do. If you truly enjoy your job—if it is a passion—it will not be a burden," Alhart said.
