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Biden hunkers down at Camp David with advisors a week ahead of debate with Trump

The first head-to-head of the presidential election is shaping up to be a real challenge for the Democrat.

Trump es el favorito para The Economist: el modelo estadístico del diario le otorga el doble de probabilidades de ganar las elecciones frente a Biden


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President Joe Biden and his team of advisors decided to prepare the first presidential debate of this election at the presidential residence Camp David in Maryland. In this rural setting, the Democratic president will spend an entire week before his face-to-face with Donald Trump.

According to ABC News, the president and his team will spend most of their time in intensive preparation. Many critics of the Democrat claim that Biden will have serious trouble staying clear and active for the duration of the entire debate opposite Donald Trump.

As CNN reports, the Republican's team prefers to ensure that their presidential candidate doesn't need as much preparation as Joe Biden for the Thursday meeting. "President Trump faces numerous difficult interviews each week and delivers long speeches at standing rallies, demonstrating elite stamina," Jason Miller, a senior adviser to Trump, told the AP.

According to Biden campaign insider, Ron Klain, a former chief of staff, is leading preparations for the debate camp at the presidential retreat. Other senior campaign officials and veteran advisors, such as Cedric Richmond, former White House aide and current campaign co-chairman, will also be in attendance, ABC News notes.
