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"They want to establish an Islamic state on the rubble of the state of Israel": Hamas co-founder's son asks Netanyahu to destroy the terrorist group

Mosab Hassan Yousef spoke to CNN and assured that an unbreakable siege must be "imposed" to defeat the jihadists.

Momentos después de que un misil alcanzase un edificio durante los atentados del grupo terrorista Hamás contra Israel.

(Cordon Press)

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Since the beginning of October, Israelis have been experiencing the violence and cruelty of Hamas, whose members murdered entire villages, kidnapped people, and even took the lives of children. Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of one of the co-founders of the jihadist group, experienced the logic of the terrorists from within and assured that Israel must impose an "unbreakable siege" and defeat the enemy, which he described as the "enemy of humanity."

In an interview with CNN, he discussed the terrorists' goals and the circumstances of the war and encouraged the United States to continue supporting Israel to prevent another "deadlier" conflict.

Yousef, a Jewish State informant in the group for ten years, told Jake Tapper that his rejection of Hamas began as a child when he realized its "abuse of power" and of his "brutality," religiously motivated. Although he was surprised by the execution of the attack on Israel, not so much by the "nature of the attack."

"They shed children's blood. That's their game"

"Now it's a wartime, unfortunately. And this war, Israel did not start. Hamas started this war. And Hamas, in fact, in this equation, blood for money, they start a war every few years whenever they want money. You know, they shed children's blood. This is their game. And this has to stop. This has to come to an end," said Yousef, who is currently in a secret location to protect his physical integrity.

"And unfortunately, the price is not going to be cheap. In fact, I feel very sorry for Israel that they have to go into Gaza, where there are booby traps all over the place and tunnels all over the place. I don't know how many Israeli soldiers have to die in order to destroy Hamas," he continued.

To prevent this from happening in the future, he called on the United States to continue supporting Israel economically. In addition, he spoke of "liberating the Gaza Strip and the Palestinians from Hamas."

What is the ultimate goal of Hamas?

According to Yousef, Hamas will not stop until they "establish an Islamic State on the rubble of the State of Israel." Not content with that, they would have slightly more expansionist ambitions.

"They want to annihilate the Jewish people and the Jewish state. They want to kill everybody who supports Israel, then establish an Islamic state. But this is not the end because their ambition is global. They want to establish eventually an Islamic state, a global state," he added.

As for the worst the West could do in this war, the former whistleblower said any concessions would do nothing but empower terrorists.

"A lot of aid arrived in Gaza. Hamas used all that aid to build tunnels underground"

Yousef also referred to the humanitarian aid that reached the Palestinians from Europe and the United States. Although he indicated that the countries have been "very generous," he was against this aid because he assures that it usually ends up in the hands of terrorists.

"They steal the aid. So much aid came into Gaza. Hamas used all that aid to build tunnels under the ground. And now look at the chaos they are creating. Aid is great, but not right now. I suggest that we open the border for the Palestinian innocent people including women children and elders to leave the Gaza Strip or to go into a safe zone," he explained.

"In the meantime, we have to enforce unbreachable siege on Hamas. Otherwise, we are not able to deplete them. They are under the ground. They have hostages. We have to cut power. We cannot give them food. We cannot give them water and we have to deplete them for long weeks before we can even go in. Otherwise, we cannot win this war against this brutal enemy, enemy of humanity", he concluded.
