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Kennedy counter-schedules debate between Biden and Trump

The independent candidate was left out of the head-to-head between the major-party hopefuls for failing to meet a series of CNN requirements..

Robert Kennedy focalizó sus ataques hacia Trump en la convención libertaria mientras promete perdonar a Snowden y Assange


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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made the debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden a new battleground against the establishment. The independent candidate, excluded from the encounter fornot meeting the requirements set by CNNto participate, announced a live event to counter-program the appointment and "restate the right of American votersto watch the presidential debate as it is supposed to be."

Kennedy stresses that 71% of voters wanted to see him in the debate

Kennedy's campaign released a statement announcing the initiative, which can be followed live via the networks at TheRealDebate.com and on the social networking site X. In the note, the team sharply criticized that more than 71% of Americans wanted to see the independent debating the two frontrunners andthey have been deprived of this opportunity by partisan interests.

"The American people want leaders who trust them to make up their own minds. Instead, our last two presidents are restricting voters from choosing anyone other than themselves. Presidents Biden and Trump have sucked trillions of dollars from the pockets of working people and Americans deserve to hear from the one candidate who can hold them to account."Robert F. Kennedy

"An act of collusion between two terrified establishment parties."

From the communique, the former Democratic challenger's campaign accused CNN of kowtowing to the directions of the two major parties, which agreed to shut him out: "With six qualifying polls and confirmed ballot access in more states than either of his competitors, Independent Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. meets all published participation criteria. His exclusion from the CNN debate stage has been widely decried as an act of collusion between two establishment parties terrified of being held to their records and a cable news channel willing to compromise journalistic integrity to secure a multi-million dollar payday."

In a post on his X account, Kennedy announced the event, noting that "they tried to take away your independent choice for presidentand I'm not going to let them. Watch the presidential debate as it should be and decide for yourself."
