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The Chinese threat: More than 26,000 unaccompanied Chinese men have entered the country in the last four months

Between October 2023 and January 2024, 27,799 people of this citizenship crossed the borders, taking advantage of the immigration chaos, despite warnings from experts and GOP legislators.

Un gran número de inmigrantes esperan para cruzar la frontera el día antes del fin del Título 42.

(Cordon Press)

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The Chinese threat to the US is not only found in Beijing or its areas of influence. In the first four months of fiscal year 2024, 27,799 people of this nationality entered the country. Of them, 26,125 are unaccompanied men, many of them of military age, which has led several organizations and legislators, including Mark Green, president of the House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee, to demand measures in the face of the danger that this situation supposes.

Graph of the arrival of unaccompanied Chinese immigrants to the US.


An increase of more than 4,000% since 2020

The arrival of Chinese immigrants taking advantage of the border chaos of the Biden Administration has skyrocketed since he arrived at the White House. In all of 2020, the number of Chinese citizens entering the country was 1,282, far fewer than in any of the past four months. In October, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recorded 6,313 encounters with people of this nationality, up from 6,515 in February. The historical record was reached in December, when 7,581 managed to surrender to the immigration authorities, while January was the period with the lowest influx in recent months, limited to 5,714. In total, arrivals between October 2023 and January 2024 exceed the total of 2021 and 2022, and are more than half of all those of the last fiscal year.

The start of Biden's term coincided with an explosion of Chinese immigrants arriving in the country. At that time, many considered that this was an escape from the draconian measures of the Chinese Communist Government's zero-infection program against the covid pandemic. During 2021, 23,471 citizens of the Asian giant crossed the borders, while in 2022 the figure increased to 27,756. Figures that would almost double last year, when 52,700 meetings were reached. That is, between 2020 and 2023, an increase of more than 4,000% in the arrivals of these people.

Single men, of military age and with ties to the PCC, according to Mark Green

On each of these occasions, the percentage of unaccompanied men recorded is overwhelmingly the majority. Something especially evident in 2021, when only 299 people were not men alone. In 2022, the number increased to 26,447, reaching 45,769 last year.

Something that has not gone unnoticed by the authorities and experts, who have raised their voices in the face of the passivity of the Biden Administration. One of the most active is the congressman Mark Green, who added to the CBP information during a press conference that "many of whom are men of military age, many with known ties to the People's Liberation Army, ties to the Chinese Communist Party, and who have simply been released by Secretary Mayorkas in the US. We don't know where these people are now."

The drain for "bad guys" on the southern border

Well-founded fears, according to Rebecca Grant, a national security analyst at IRIS Independent Research, told Newsweek, given the high number of Chinese men in the US. Furthermore, he noted that "if you're a bad guy who wants to infiltrate operatives in the US, the southern border is a pretty easy way to do it." Something that the data corroborates. since an overwhelming majority of immigrants with this citizenship (18,755 so far this fiscal year, 24,314 in 2023) choose this route.

A report last December American First Policy Institute (AFPI), pointed out in a very graphic way, from the very title, what is happening: The Trojan Horse on the Southern Border: Malignant Infiltration of the PCC. The document denounces that "most illegal aliens coming to the southern border, including Chinese nationals, are not fleeing persecution and thus do not qualify for asylum under U.S. law. However, they are still being released into American communities." Therefore, the authors urge the Executive to "secure its borders and apply deterrent policies against illegal immigration" given "the antagonism of the PCC towards the United States and its ability to coerce any of its citizens to carry out intelligence work."

An "aggressive and proactive" response from the US, the only solution

AFPI also indicates other consequences of this new migratory flow for other countries in South America and Central America. Thus, Chinese immigrants head first to Ecuador, where no special visas are required. From there, they go to Colombia to face the fearsome Darién jungle, to cross Panama and reach Mexico. In this country, human traffickers and cartels charge them between $40,000 and $60,000 to help them cross the border, a much higher price than other nationalities. The great profits obtained by these groups allow them to improve their ability to introduce drugs such as fentanyl that devastates young people in the United States.

The conclusion of the report is resounding: "The threat from the PCC is serious and will not disappear unless the US aggressively and proactively counters it," which is why it demands a strong response from Biden and Mayorkas:

The threat of the CCP is serious and is not going to disappear unless the U.S. aggressively and proactively counters it. The America First approach to securing the border and protecting against our adversaries recognizes this and strives for commonsense measures to safeguard the U.S. The current policymaking environment in Washington, D.C., is weak against our adversaries, which the CCP has already exploited, taking advantage of our Nation’s openness and democratic institutions. It’s time for the Biden Administration to wake up to the severity of this threat and refuse to tolerate the CCP’s exploitation of our Nation.