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Russia denounces drone attack on Moscow

The Russian Defense Ministry has directly accused Ukraine of being behind the aerial assault on the Russian capitol. capital.

Recortes de los videos en los que aparecen los drones en Moscú.

( Twitter)

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Several war drones entered Moscow's airspace and were shot down by Russian anti-aircraft defenses, according to the Kremlin and local government sources in the Russian capital. Authorities reported no major damage or serious injuries.

Several videos are already circulating on social networks providing details about the drone strike against Russia. Unmanned aerial devices can be seen flying over urban areas that OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) sources have geolocated in different parts of Moscow's suburbs. Several of these drones were intercepted by projectiles from Russian anti-aircraft defenses and explode in the air. Other images show Russian authorities sealing the crash site and recovering the wreckage of the drones. According to aviation enthusiasts, they are UJ-22s of the Ukrainian firm Ukrjet.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, 8 drones entered Moscow's airspace with the intention of damaging infrastructure. The same Russian source assured the AFP agency that it was a Ukrainian attack. "This morning, the Kiev regime carried out a terrorist drone attack on targets in the city of Moscow. Eight drones were used in the attack. All enemy drones were shot down," according to the AFP report who was quoting its source from the Defense Ministry.

For its part, Ukraine did not clarify whether it is behind the drone attack and remains silent. In the Ukrainian war, video manipulation of the truth and staging are commonplace. The Ukrainian Armed Forces simply reported another Iranian drone attack on its capital, Kiev, on Monday night.
