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"Joe Biden’s too old. Why is he running?": Joe Scarborough revealed what Democrats say off the air

The TV host revealed what he hears privately from many Democrats.

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Joe Biden's health has captured national attention in recent months, as the president has had several incidents in which he was lost or directly saying nonsense at official events. With this in mind, Joe Scarborough revealed that many Democrats he spoke to confessed to him that the president is "too old" for another presidential bid.

The TV host spoke Wednesday on his MSNBC show, "Morning Joe", with guest David Ignatius, a columnist who argued that the Biden-Harris ticket should not be presented in 2024.

In the midst of the discussion about whether the current president is the only one capable of defeating Donald Trump in an eventual confrontation, Scarborough took the floor and accused the Democrats of speaking one way in front of the camera and another when the lights go off.

"Just to answer David's question. Mika (another member of the show) and I, everybody, we talk to, every political discussion, it talks a lot about Trump, but when it comes to Joe Biden, people say, ‘Man, he’s too old to run.’ He’s, and I mean, he’s not going to, he’s not really going to run.”

"So, you know, we often will complain about Republicans who will say one thing about Donald Trump off the air and another on air,” he added. “Well, let me just say, Democrats, off the air, will say ‘Joe Biden’s too old. Why is he running.’ On the air? They won’t say that", he added.

Scarborough made these comments due to the growing debate over whether the president is really in a position to seek a second term and if the answer is no, then who would be the ideal person to take his place?

According to media reports, could be interested in entering the race if Biden chooses to dismiss his candidacy, although the governor of California reiterated his support for the president.

As for the former first lady, her biographer publicly acknowledged that she is "copying Barack Obama's path to the White House." As did Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the House of Representatives. The now political analyst and consultant recently indicated that Republicans should pay "significant attention to Michelle Obama."

Along the same line, Roger Stone, a historical Republican political analyst, directly predicted that Michelle Obama will be the Democratic nominee in the 2024 presidential elections.
