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Israel launches incursion into northern Gaza ahead of ground invasion

A group of armored vehicles crossed the border of the Gaza Strip as part of an operation to prepare the ground for a future invasion.


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The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) carried out an offensive ground operation against the Gaza Strip. According to the IDF, this is in preparation for the next phases of combat, which could involve a future ground invasion of Gaza. So far it is the largest movement of troops and units of Israeli forces in Gaza since the beginning of the conflict.

The IDF posted a statement with some images that show Merkava armored vehicles and some other military vehicles crossing the fenced border that separates Gaza from Israel. According to the IDF, the armored vehicles were also accompanied by infantry elements from the Givati Brigade.

The images show how they make openings in the border fence and, with the help of bulldozers, change the distribution of the land. They also removed some Hamas defense structures and firing positions for anti-tank units. According to the IDF, once this was over, the Israeli elements returned to Israel. An Israeli spokesman announced that there were no casualties.

During this operation, which took place in the early hours of Wednesday and Thursday, Hamas sources claimed to have hit an IDF helicopter that was flying over the area to assist the ground operation with an anti-aircraft projectile. The IDF did not report any such incident.

New incursions

Earlier Thursday, IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari reported that raids of this kind would follow in the coming days in order to continue the work of preparing the ground. At the time of his latest statement on Thursday, Hagari reported that another incursion was taking place on the northern border between Israel and Gaza at the same time. Meanwhile, the IDF will continue its airstrikes against Hamas positions in Gaza, targeting strategic points for the terrorist group.

Hamas leaders killed

A few hours after the conclusion of this first ground raid, the IDF reported that a Hamas leader was killed in an airstrike this Thursday. He has been identified as Hassan Al Abdullah, commander of the northern rocket launcher units of the city of Khan Yunis. He died south of the Gaza Strip. Along with the announcement, the IDF released a video showing them bombing a moving target.

The Israeli Air Force found out the exact location of Hassan Al Abdullah thanks to intelligence work by the Shin Bet and the IDF military intelligence teams. Israeli authorities launched a special task force to find out the whereabouts of Hamas leaders as part of an operation to kill them. Along with this, the Israeli government reported that after a raid in the West Bank, they captured 46 members of Hamas.

Later Thursday, the IDF announced the death of a senior Hamas intelligence official. Shadi Barud, deputy head of the Hamas Intelligence Directorate, was killed in an airstrike after the IDF was able to pinpoint his location. According to the IDF, Barud was actively involved in planning the Saturday, October 7 attacks. Prior to becoming head of Intelligence, Barud was a troop commander in Khan Younis.

Evacuations at the Gaza Strip

Meanwhile, Israeli authorities continue to ask Gazans to evacuate their homes and seek refuge south of the Strip. The Israeli government has been asking people to leave the area for more than a week. They assure that this is for their own safety.

According to intelligence released by the IDF, Hamas continues to prevent civilians from leaving the northern Gaza Strip. The IDF has announced that the terrorist group is using roadblocks and putting pressure on civilians to prevent those in the north from fleeing to the south.
