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Israel: Father claims Hamas intended to sell the head of his murdered son

David Tahar stopped by Channel 14 and told the story of his son Adir, a soldier beheaded on Oct, 7 whose remains were for sale for $10,000.

Funeral en Israel


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The father of an Israeli soldier killed by Hamas in the Oct. 7 attacks claimed this week that the terrorists intended to sell the head of his decapitated son. David Tahar, father of Adir, told this to Channel 14.

According to Tahar, the terrorists intended to sell his son's head for approximately $10,000. For this reason, the soldier's head was being kept in a freezer in the Gaza Strip, miles away from the rest of the body.

The intervention of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) that foiled the terrorists' plans. During a raid on a house in Gaza, IDF soldiers found Adir Tahar's head and after a collation of evidence, identified it and returned it to Israel. David Tahar described this intervention as a "miracle."

According to Adir Tahar's account, the decapitated head of an Israeli soldier is seen as a medal or trophy for Palestinian Hamas terrorists, a relatively widespread practice by Islamic terrorists, carried out by ISIS and Al-Qaeda. The reason for which is that it can fetch a good price on the sinister market. After the massacres on Oct. 7, the Israeli media have condemned barbaric practices by Hamas against the civilian population and against the soldiers who were killed in their bases in southern Israel.

A media case

David Tahar did not give up when Israeli authorities gave him his son's decapitated body. The father insisted on searching for Adir's head until December when the government contacted him when it was found.

According to Tahar, it was the Shin Bet who told him that his son's head was for sale for $10,000. The intelligence agency learned this after questioning two Hamas terrorists who happened to know where IDF troops could perhaps find the head.
