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IDF denounces Hamas for attacking its troops in northern Gaza and violating truce

According to Israeli military sources, several soldiers were injured in the explosions. This is the first serious violation of the ceasefire deal.

Israeli troops continuing ground operations in Gaza Strip.

(Cordon Press)

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The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced this Tuesday that its troops in northern Gaza were attacked by Hamas. The IDF spokesperson said that these attacks violate the framework of the truce.

According to the IDF, three explosive devices were detonated near Israeli troops in the northern Strip. The explosions occurred in two different locations and, according to Israeli forces, Hamas opened fire on Israeli troops in one of those positions.

Israeli soldiers returned fire. As a result of this attack, several Israeli soldiers were injured, according to the IDF. The Israeli military claims that its troops that were attacked were in the correct positions, in accordance with what was agreed upon in the truce agreement. They had not crossed the ceasefire lines.

Hamas's armed forces, the Al Qassam brigades, also issued a statement after Tuesday's events. They claim that Israeli troops violated the truce agreement and Hamas responded to said violation by returning fire.
