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Hunter Biden sues Rudy Giuliani for allegedly hacking his laptop

President Joe Biden's son alleges that both Trump's former lawyer and Robert Costello, who he also sued, invaded his "digital privacy."

Rudy Giuliani, exabogado de Donald Trump y exalcalde de Nueva York.

(Cordon Press)

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Hunter Biden has filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Central District of California against Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump's former lawyer and former mayor of New York, and against lawyer Robert Costello for alleged computer breaches and illegally accessing his personal information.

"Defendants [Giuliani and Costello] are among those who have been primarily responsible for what has been described as the ‘total annihilation’ of Plaintiff’s [Biden's] digital privacy," Hunter Biden's lawyers wrote in the lawsuit.

"Plaintiff has demanded Defendants Giuliani and Costello cease their unlawful activities with respect to Plaintiff’s data and return any data in their possession belonging to Plaintiff, but they have refused to do so. Defendants’ statements suggest that their unlawful hacking activities are ongoing today and that, unless stopped, will continue into the future, thereby necessitating this action," the lawsuit continues.

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The legal action stems from Giuliani's alleged release of Hunter's personal information to the New York Post in 2020. Three companies owned by Donald Trump's former lawyer are also listed as defendants.

Hunter Biden's defense explained that Giuliani "has not only admitted but bragged about downloading data from Plaintiff’s ‘laptop’ (even though he only had a hard drive) onto his own computer; about using his own computer to access, tamper with and manipulate the downloaded data; and about maintaining multiple copies of the data for his and Defendant Costello’s personal use."

With these arguments, Hunter Biden accuses the two defendants of violating federal and California state laws on computer privacy.
