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Google launches Gemini, "the largest and most capable artificial intelligence model"

The company led by Sundar Pichai implements this language model in its products to get ahead in the technological race.



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Big technology companies found in artificial intelligence (AI) the latest tool with which to expand, surpass their competition and increase their profits. The last one to want to innovate has been Google. The company led by Sundar Pichai launched Gemini, a technological language model whose objective is to emulate human behavior and even surpass it.

Launched on the market this Wednesday, the technology company presented it as "the largest and most capable artificial intelligence model." A presentation joined by Demis Hassabis, CEO of DeepMind Technologies (a subsidiary of Google), adding that "this is a significant milestone in the development of AI, and the start of a new era for us at Google":

For his part, Sundar Pichai assured that, after years of focusing the company's efforts on the development of artificial intelligence, the launch of Gemini "is incredible momentum, and yet, we’re only beginning to scratch the surface of what’s possible."

"We are approaching this work boldly and responsibly. That means being ambitious in our research and pursuing the capabilities that will bring enormous benefits to people and society, while building in safeguards and working collaboratively with governments and experts to address risks as AI becomes more capable," added the CEO of Google.

Bard and the Pixel 8 Pro, the great beneficiaries of the arrival of Gemini

The technology company's intention is to enhance the performance of its products, such as the Pixel 8 Pro smartphone and Bard, the chatbot that Google presented in February to compete with other similar existing tools such as ChatGPT.

Gemini will deploy Bard's largest update yet in early 2024. Its integration will be carried out in two different phases, as Google explained in an entry on its blog. In the first, Bard "will use a specifically tuned version of Gemini Pro in English for more advanced reasoning, planning, understanding and more." In the second, Bard Advanced will arrive, "gives you first access to our most advanced models and capabilities — starting with Gemini Ultra."

On the other hand, the Pixel 8 Pro has already adopted the "Gemini Nano" version and different smartphone tools have seen their functions optimized. For example, the voice recordings made will be summarized, the quality of the photographs and videos captured will be improved, or the cell phone will be unlocked more easily, among other benefits.
