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Gaza: Israeli government orders the evacuation of Rafah, the southernmost city on the strip

After announcing that the Israel Defense Forces would advance on the border enclave, authorities are asking civilians to evacuate.

Israeli soldiers next to an armored vehicle in Gaza,


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The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are preparing to advance on the city of Rafah in the coming days. After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the military to take the border city, the government ordered to prepare the evacuation of civilians Friday.

According to AFP, Netanyahu asked the IDF for a "combined plan" to "evacuate" civilians from Rafah and "destroy" Hamas in the southernmost area of the Gaza Strip. A significant portion of civilians who were displaced within Gaza relocated to Rafah due to its position. It is located on the border with Egypt, and at its southeastern corner there is a border crossing that connects Gaza with the neighboring country.

The Israeli government assures that there are currently at least four armed Hamas battalions in the border city. According to a statement from Prime Minister Netanyahu's cabinet, "it is impossible to achieve the war goal of eliminating Hamas by leaving four Hamas battalions in Rafah."

The announcement comes after the media reported bombings against the city on Friday. The airstrikes occurred despite the fact that the White House warned Thursday that it would not support any military incursion into the city of Rafah. In recent weeks, both the Biden administration and the European Union have toughened their tone with Netanyahu's government.

In the House of Representatives, a Democratic initiative presented an amendment to promote a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine. Likewise, from the White House, it was leaked that President Joe Biden is considering cutting arms sales and ammunition to Israel as a method of pressure against Israel.
