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France bans Israeli companies from participating in upcoming defense fair

The French Ministry of Defense stated that "the conditions are no longer met to host Israeli companies" at Eurosatory 2024.

Demostración de unidades de la Prefectura de Policía de París: la BRI (Police Nationale) y la CSI (Compagnie de Securisation et d'Intervention de la Police Nationale). Eurosatory 2018: Salón internacional de defensa y seguridad terrestre y aérea.

(Cordon Press)

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(AFP / VOZ MEDIA) French authorities have banned Israeli military industry companies from exhibiting at a trade fair next month near Paris, organizers announced this Friday.

"By decision of the government authorities, there will be no stand for the Israeli defense industry at the Eurosatory 2024 fair," said Coges Events, the event organizer.

France cancels the participation of Israeli companies in the Eurosatory defense fair.

According to the French Ministry of Defense, "conditions are no longer met to host Israeli companies," especially considering that French President Emmanuel Macron "is calling for Israel to cease operations in Rafah."

A total of 74 Israeli companies were going to participate in this international land defense and security exhibition, scheduled for June 17 to 21 in Villepinte, north of Paris. The event is regarded as the premier global defense and security event.

AFP contacted the Israeli embassy, which said it did not want to comment.

The war broke out on October 7, when terrorists from the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas killed 1,189 people, mostly civilians, in southern Israel, according to an AFP report based on official Israeli data.

The militants also kidnapped 252 people. Israel claims that 121 are still being detained in Gaza, while 37 have died.
