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A DEA report reveals that Mexico could become the main producer of cocaine, surpassing Colombia

The document indicates that Mexican cartels are trying to control the entire production chain of this drug, from cultivation to distribution.

droga mexico

(Creative Commons / CB Du Rietz)

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A report from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) highlights a significant change in the drug trafficking landscape. Mexico is on track to overtake Colombia as the leading producer of illicit drugs.

According to the DEA document to which Noticias RCN had access, Mexican cartels are working to control the entire cocaine production chain, from cultivation to distribution. This strategy, mainly driven by the Jalisco cartel, could position Mexico as the world's leading producer of this drug, surpassing Colombia and allowing Mexican cartels to obtain greater profits.

Although the report states that Colombia remains the world's leading producer of cocaine, the DEA suggests that Mexican cartels have improved and advanced in the production of this drug, even achieving levels of purity comparable to those of Colombian cocaine, thanks to the experience acquired by emissaries sent to Colombia.

"It is evident that they have made progress in coca cultivation, overcoming the barriers that previously made cocaine production unlikely in Mexico, such as differences in soil, climate and elevation, as well as a lack of experience in cultivation and production," indicates the document.

United States and the drug problem

While drug production appears to be increasing, the United States is losing the fight against illegal substances, at least according to the opinion of 52% of Americans surveyed in November of last year. According to this survey, 74% of American adults consider the drug problem in the country to be extremely or very serious, an increase compared to the 64% registered in 2021.

The pollster attributes this perception to the increase in drug overdose deaths. "Americans generally see little progress in addressing the illegal drug problem in the nation. Drug overdose deaths in the U.S. have risen sharply in recent years, with much of the increase due to synthetic opioids like fentanyl. But overdoses linked to other types of drugs, including cocaine and methamphetamines, have also grown since 2019," the pollster explained.
