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The Brazilian Federal Supreme Court annuls the proceedings against Marcelo Odebrecht, the central figure in one of the largest corruption scandals in the region

The same judge who issued the decision had already annulled all the evidence obtained through collaboration agreements with the construction company last year.

Marcelo Odebrecht, hace gestos durante una audiencia de la comisión parlamentaria

Marcelo Odebrecht (Heuler Andrey / AFP)

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The Brazilian Federal Supreme Court overturned the decisions of a regional court that led to the corruption conviction of Marcelo Odebrecht, former president of the construction company Odebrecht, for his involvement in the "Lava Jato" operation. This measure could be seen as a setback in the fight against corruption in the country.

Judge José Antonio Días Toffoli ordered the annulment of the decisions issued by the Thirteenth Federal Court of Curitiba and suspended all criminal proceedings opened against Odebrecht.

Toffoli justified his decision by alleging that some members of the Lava Jato operation acted arbitrarily and partially "in the conduct of the processes against the businessman."

This measure responds to a request from Odebrecht's defense, which argued that its case was similar to that of other defendants in Lava Jato, who also had their cases annulled due to irregularities.

Judicial benefits for Odebrecht

Toffoli's instruction left intact the decisions derived from the collaboration agreement signed by Odebrecht. In this agreement, Odebrecht admitted his guilt and exposed his accomplices in exchange for judicial benefits. This agreement was fundamental to unraveling the corruption scheme involving several politicians and businessmen.

Background of Toffoli Days

Last year, the same judge annulled all evidence obtained through collaboration agreements with the construction company Odebrecht. This decision was made after a request from the defense of Brazil's president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who spent 580 days in prison convicted of corruption and money laundering in a trial that was later annulled. The evidence offered by Odebrecht also affected several politicians and businessmen, both in Brazil and in other countries.

The role of Sergio Moro

Most of the annulled decisions against Marcelo Odebrecht were issued by Sergio Moro, then-judge of the Thirteenth Court of Curitiba. Moro is known for his role in the convictions against Lula and others involved in Lava Jato. Moro later became Minister of Justice during the Government of Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2022).

Impact on Operation Lava Jato

The Supreme Court's decision represents a significant setback for Operation Lava Jato, one of the most extensive corruption investigations in the history of Brazil, which has also had repercussions in several Latin American countries, including Peru, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Panama and the Dominican Republic. Current and former high-ranking officials in these countries were implicated in the scandal for receiving bribes in exchange for public works contracts, which triggered political crises, legal reforms and massive investigations.

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