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Wife of Tal Chaimi, one of the hostages murdered by Hamas on Oct. 7, gives birth to his son

Ella Chaimi remembered her husband as she gave birth at the Rabin Medical Center’s Beilinson Hospital.

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Behind the people kidnapped and murdered by Hamas during the massacre it committed on Oct. 7 in Israel are moving stories. One of them is that of Tal Chaimi, one of the hostages who the terrorist group murdered that day in the Nir Yitzhak kibbutz. His wife, Ella Chaimi, has given birth to their fourth child.

According to The Jewish News Syndicate, the Rabin Medical Center's Beilinson Hospital reported that there were no complications in birth and that the child was born in good health. His wife wanted to remember the figure of her husband on this day:

This birth is filled with mixed emotions as I welcome into the world our child, who brings with him lots of joy. I also remember Tal, who was a wonderful husband and father. I wish he was here with us right now.

On Dec. 14, Israeli authorities confirmed Chaimi's murder at the hands of Hamas. He was captured by the terrorist group during the Oct. 7 attacks while serving as part of the security and emergency teams that attempted to hold off the attackers while awaiting reinforcements.
