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British Parliament passes bill to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda

UK Home Secretary James Cleverly praised the policy, saying it would deter hundreds of boats transporting illegal imimgrants.

El primer ministro del Reino Unido en una intervención


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The British Parliament passed the bill to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda. Members of the House of Lords, who had repeatedly referred the bill back to the House of Commons, finally gave up on tabling further amendments, allowing the bill to become law, AFP reports.

"The bill is expected to be granted royal assent on Tuesday. Home Office sources said they have already identified a group of asylum seekers with weak legal claims to remain in the UK who will be part of the first tranche to be sent to East Africa in July," reported The Guardian.

Meanwhile, U.K. Home Secretary James Cleverly praised the policy and claimed it would deter hundreds of boats transporting illegal immigrants.

"The act will prevent people from abusing the law by using false human rights claims to block removals. And it makes clear that the UK parliament is sovereign, giving government the power to reject interim blocking measures imposed by European courts," Cleverly said in a video posted on his X account.

The information comes as media outlets such as AFP report that the British asylum system "is congested with claims, with more than 100,000 applicants waiting for a response to their first claim."
