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Benjamin Netanyahu on Hamas' terrorist attack against Israel: ‘We are at war’

"Citizens of Israel, we are at war. Not an operation, not an escalation - at war."

Dos soldados contemplando un edificio destruido tras la llegada de varios misiles desde Gaza a Israel, iniciando la guerra.

(Cordon Press)

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Israel is in a state of complete emergency. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has just announced that the country is at "war" after the terrorist group Hamas launched a ground and air attack against the center and south of the country that killed more than 300 people and left more than 1,590 injured. Netanyahu announced that he is launching Operation Swords of Iron.

It all started early Saturday morning when local media reported that the terrorist group Hamas had launched several missiles from Gaza toward central and southern Israel. Along with this, dozens of terrorists infiltrated the border city of Sderot and other towns in the area, causing panic among Israeli citizens.

The attack took place in the middle of a Jewish holiday

The Times of Israel reported that the attack began around 7 a.m. local time when several missiles were launched as part of a surprise attack in various parts of the country, causing chaos on a particularly important day. Today is not only Shabbat (a holy day for observant Jews), but it is also Simchat Torah and the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, when the Jewish State was also attacked, at that time by the armies of Syria and Egypt.

The Hamas group soon claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack. The Israeli newspaper YNetNews obtained access to a message sent by Mohamed Deif, one of the group’s leaders. He said, "We warned the enemy. They attacked the Islamic movement and desecrated al-Aqsa."

Deif encouraged Hamas supporters with what he called the Al Aqsa Storm: "Carry out your attacks on the settlements with all the means and tools at your disposal. Today everyone who has a rifle should take it out. It's their time, and each of you should go out with your truck, vehicle or ax. Today, a new history has opened, a brighter and more honorable history."

Israel in a state of emergency

Just after the first bombings took place, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant declared a state of emergency within an 80-kilometer radius of the Gaza Strip. In addition, he announced that he would travel to Tel Aviv to meet with security chiefs and Prime Minister Netanyahu to assess the situation.

Hours later, opposition leader Yair Lapid offered Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu his support throughout the state of emergency caused by the situation in the Gaza Strip. He announced his continued support for the current Israeli government in a statement reported by The Times of Israel:

The State of Israel is at war. It won’t be easy and it won’t be short. It has strategic consequences which we haven’t seen for many years. There is a serious risk that it will become a multi-front war. A short while ago, I met with Prime Minister Netanyahu. I told him that in this emergency situation, I’m willing to put aside our differences and form an emergency, narrow, professional government with him to manage the difficult and complex operation ahead of us.

The rest of the world on alert

This new war against Israel has not gone unnoticed by the rest of the world. Senator Ted Cruz and European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, among many others, stated on X (formerly Twitter) that they condemned the attack:

Netanyahu: "The IDF will immediately use all its forces"

Israel's prime minister issued a message stating that, although it was Hamas that started this "cruel and evil war," they will be the ones to win it.

"The IDF will immediately use all its forces to destroy Hamas' capabilities. We will cripple them to the point of destruction and we will take revenge with force for this black day that they have brought to the State of Israel and its citizens," he assured.

The prime minister took the opportunity to send his condolences to the families of those killed today and thanked all those fighting for Israel.

"To the medical and rescue teams, and to the many volunteers who turned out in force today in a long series of locations: the people of Israel salute you. With the power of your spirit we will defeat our enemies," he said.

Israel receives freedom of action from world leaders

Netanyahu reported that he had a conversation with President Joe Biden and other world leaders "to ensure Israel's freedom of action" and publicly thanked them for the "unconditional support" they have shown him.

"I thank President Biden for his clear and forceful words. I thank the French President, the British Prime Minister and many other leaders for their unconditional support for Israel," he commented.

Israeli Prime Minister asks Biden for help

Barak Ravid, political reporter for Axios, reported via X that Netanyahu asked President Biden for financial assistance for the purchase of more Iron Dome missile defense system interceptors.
