UK: The University of Exeter offers a Master's Degree in Magic and Occult Science
The program will be based on "decolonization, the exploration of alternative epistemologies, feminism, and anti-racism."

La Universidad de Exeter (Reino Unido) ofrece una Maestría en Magia y Ciencias Ocultas (Captura de pantalla Youtube)
The University of Exeter, part of the Russell Group of leading British universities, is launching a Master's Degree in Magic and Occult Science. According to the university, the program will be based on "decolonization, the exploration of alternative epistemologies, feminism, and anti-racism." The master's program will start in September 2024.
The director of the course indicated that the university created the program following a recent surge in interest in the subject.
The university also indicated that by hosting this program within the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, the aim is to "place the Arabo-Islamic cultural heritage back where it belongs in the center of these studies and in the history of the West."
"The core module, ARAM251 Esotericism and the Magical Tradition is a team-taught module where students explore key topics including magic in Greece and Rome, occult texts in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the history of witchcraft, magic in literature and folklore, deception and illusion, and the history of science and medicine, among other key themes," said the University of Exeter.