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Canada wants to 're-educate' Dr. Jordan Peterson, enemy of the woke world

The College of Psychologists of Ontario is threatening to revoke Peterson‘s license if he does not rectify his political speech on social media.

Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson / Gage Skidmo

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Jordan Peterson shared on his Twitter account the conditions that the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO) will make him fulfill to keep his license. The agency threatened the Peterson with these requirements due to the political messages he shares on Twitter, which includes expressing disagreement with the Canadian government and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

In the document, the CPO has asked Dr. Peterson to undergo a "coaching program" in order to "review, reflect on and ameliorate [his] professionalism in public statements.” Such a course would have to be completed within six months, and, "on the basis of the progress of the Coaching Program, the Coach may, at his discretion, request that the Registrar shorten or extend [it]."

Jordan B. Peterson is a reputable author with more than 100 published scientific articles. In addition, he taught psychology at Harvard University (1993-1998) and is professor emeritus at the University of Toronto, where he taught from 1998 until his recent retirement. During his career, he wrote three successful books: Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief (1999); 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos (2018); and Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life (2020). His second book went number one in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, the Netherlands, Brazil and Norway.

"Mandatory political re-education"

Dr. Peterson asserted that he is under the threat of "mandatory political re-education,” i.e., indoctrination:

On Twitter alone, Dr. Peterson has more than 3.5 million followers. After being suspended by prior Twitter management, Elon Musk reactivated his account in November, so his speech has a wide reach. Faced with the College of Psychologists' threat to withdraw his license if he does not change his political opinion, it has asked him to take a course on social media conduct and, thus, suppress his thoughts from millions of people:

In addition, he confirmed that the board also threatened to take him to court if he refused to carry out the training:

Professionals threatened for criticizing the government

According to Dr. Peterson, this evidently means that all professionals should omit their criticism of the government so as not to jeopardize their work or their reputation:

Peterson added that he has already received a severe punishment and explained how he feels about his standing with the CPO:

Effects on his job as psychologist

In addition, he confirmed that approximately a dozen people protested against him because he allegedly harmed people with what he posted on Twitter and with his comments on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast in the past four years.

Peterson assured that all those who attack and accuse him for his ideals were not even his psychological clients:
