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'Glitch in the matrix': YouTube marks official WGS video about 'new world order' as a conspiracy theory

The platform placed a 'context' warning on official content from the World Government Summit discussing establishment of a new world order.

Nuevo Orden Mundial


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YouTube place a 'context' warning on an official World Government Summit video titled "Are We Ready for a New World Order?" The platform flagged the content for spreading an alleged conspiracy theory.

The video, recorded during the World Government Summit in Dubai, shows a panel containing Anwar bin Mohammed Gargash, diplomatic advisor to the UAE president; Frederick Kempe, president and CEO of the Atlantic Council; George Friedman, founder and chairman of Geopolitical Futures; and Pippa Malmgren, economist and former presidential advisor to George W. Bush. They all share their views on a new world order in the panel moderated by CNN's Becky Anderson with the same title as the aforementioned video.

As shown, simply sharing this video takes us to a Wikipedia link where it expands on the 'context' of the content. The warning points out that "the conspiracy theory of the so-called New World Order claims the existence of a plan designed to establish a single government, bureaucratic and controlled by elitist and plutocratic sectors, at a global level."

However, it is the government and business officials in the panel who speak of the existence of this new world order, marked even by the very name of the debate.

Here you can read the warning that YouTube has placed on this content. [The conspiracy theory of the so-called New World Order claims the existence of a plan designed to establish a single government, bureaucratic and controlled by elitist and plutocratic sectors, at a global level.]

New World Order

This all begs the question: if the New World Order is a conspiracy theory, why is the World Government Summit asking us if we are prepared to face it?
