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Kamala Harris chooses antisemitic lawyer as her liaison to the Arab community

Brenda Abdelall suggested during an interview that "Zionists" control U.S. politics.

La vicepresidente Harris acuerda debatir con Trump

Kamala HarrisAllison Joyce / AFP

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Vice President Kamala Harris recently chose an antisemitic official as her chief liaison to the Arab community in the United States in order to pander to this radical sector of the community.

She is Brenda Abdelall, an Egyptian-American lawyer who worked at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Speaking to The New York Sun on the sidelines of the American Muslim Council's 2002 annual convention, the official expressed the usual antisemitic trope that Jews control and manipulate global affairs for their own benefit, per The Washington Free Beacon.

Abdelall said at the time that "The Zionists have a strong voice in American politics." She added, "I would say they're controlling a lot of it."

Abdelall made the comments following a speech at the event by an antisemitic professor named Jamil Yaez, who argued that "Zionists are destroying America." The official noted that while the term “destroying” might be overstated, supporters of Israel control U.S. politics, noted The Washington Free Beacon.

The conference was also attended by the likes of Cynthia McKinney, an antisemitic former Democratic Party congresswoman who blamed Jews for the 9/11 attack and has a long history of flirting with Holocaust deniers. Her hostile attitude toward the Jewish community was shared by his father, who blamed Jews after losing his congressional seat in 2002. "Jews have bought everybody," he said at the time.

During the event, Abdelall suggested to The New York Sun further that the electoral defeat of former Democratic Rep. Earl Hilliard, who had been criticized by pro-Israeli organizations for voting against a congressional resolution against Palestinian suicide bombers, "shows the Jewish influence in politics."

It should be noted that Abdelall's mother founded the Ann Arbor, Mich., branch of the American Muslim Council in order to expand anti-Israeli rhetoric, noted The New York Sun.

Harris campaign justified Abdelall's appointment

The Harris campaign defended Abdelall. "We are proud to add her to the campaign," the vice president's team said. And it added that as a member of DHS, the official worked on implementing the first National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism and led efforts for the first United We Stand summit, a White House event to fight hate-fueled violence.

Will Harris be hostile toward Israel and align with antisemites as president?

A potential Harris presidency generates concern among supporters of Israel regarding the war against Hamas, as well as among those fighting antisemitism.

While her husband Doug Emhoff is Jewish, her controversial remarks about the Israeli government's handling of the war in Gaza and her underhanded justification of pro-Hamas protests on U.S. college campuses raise doubts about her support for Israel, one of America's most important allies, and her support for the fight against antisemitism.

Last March, Harris said Israel must do more to increase the flow of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip and called for an immediate ceasefire, which could strengthen Hamas in negotiations to free hostages and further complicate the Jewish state's war against Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist organizations.

Before Israel launched a large-scale operation in Rafah, Harris said he did not rule out "consequences" against Israel if its military carried out the incursion into the Gazan city. It was a hostile statement toward Jerusalem.

As mentioned above, the vice president's statements also raise concerns among parts of the American (and global) Jewish community, as she underhandedly defended anti-Israeli protests on U.S. college campuses, where Jewish students were assaulted. In June, Harris stated in an interview that she "understands the emotions" of pro-Hamas protesters at academic institutions, although she made it clear that there are things they say that she strongly opposes.

Harris' other controversial advisors

Abdelall is not the only member of Harris's entourage to raise concerns. Phil Gordon, the vice president's national security advisor, is the subject of a congressional investigation for his links to a member of an Iranian government influence network.

In addition, Ilan Goldenberg, a left-wing negotiator chosen by Harris as her liaison to the Jewish community, has been criticized for significant cooperation in getting the Biden-Harris administration to sanction Israel.

It should be noted that Goldenberg, who was born in Israel but grew up in New Jersey, waived his Israeli citizenship in order to work during the Obama administration on "the Iran dossier at the Pentagon."

Goldenberg also served as an advisor to Vice President Harris on Middle East issues in 2023 and was previously a strong critic of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Palestinian leadership. He also took aim at Donald Trump's decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and at the Middle East peace plan put forward by the former U.S. president.

Tim Walz, Harris's vice presidential nominee, maintained close ties with a Muslim leader who celebrated Oct. 7 and praised Hitler

Tim Walz, Kamala Harris' pick to join her on the presidential ticket for the November election, maintained close ties with an antisemitic Muslim imam who celebrated the Oct. 7 massacre and promoted a film glorifying Adolf Hitler, reported The Washington Examiner.

According to the U.S. media outlet, Walz, as governor of Minnesota, hosted Bangladeshi-born Imam Asad Zaman at least about five times, and even donated $100,000 to the American Islamic Association in Minnesota, an organization run by the antisemitic cleric.
