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Abortion multinational Planned Parenthood to invest $40 million in Biden campaign

The lobbyist group's seeks to make the abortion debate the key issue in swaying voters in several swing states heading into the November presidential election.


Pro-abortion rally(Pexels)

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The nation's largest pro-abortion group this week announced a $40 million donation to Democratic congressional campaigns and Joe Biden's campaign. Planned Parenthood hopes its investment for this 2024 election will become a weapon against Republicans with pro-life policies in several swing states.

As announced by the lobbyist group, and picked up by AP, it hopes to instrumentalize the protests and social unrest sparked by the reversal of Roe vs. Wade at the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court, allowing state administrations to legislate against abortion. In this debate, Democrats have made clear their intention to legislate and expand access to abortion.

For his part, the leading Republican candidate, Donald Trump, preferred to cut a tangent and dodge the debate when he asserted that it should be up to each state and not be a federal law. Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, most Republican-controlled states have imposed new restrictions on abortion, including some bans at all stages of pregnancy.

Despite being a significant monetary sum, it is below the $45 million that Planned Parenthood donated to the Democratic presidential campaign in the 2020 election. Also for 2022 the congressional midterms, when the lobbyist group donated $50 million to Democratic candidates.

Abortion at the center of the election

"Abortion will be the message of this election, and it will be how we energize voters," said Jenny Lawson, executive director of Planned Parenthood Votes, according to the Associated Press. "It will be what allows us to win," she added. Planned Parenthood's message also coincides with upcoming referendums in Arizona, Nevada and Florida on abortion in November.

The lobby group's efforts target precisely some of these states, in addition to those where the battle between Biden and Trump is closest. The campaigns funded with the $40 million donation will focus on Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Montana, New Hampshire and New York. They will attempt to reach voters through canvassing, phone calls, television ads and mailings.

92 million SBA-Pro Life America

On the opposite side of this debate, the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America Foundation (SBA), also announced heavy donations to pro-life campaigns in several of the same key states in which Planned Parenthood plans to invest.

According to APB, SBA anticipates investments of up to $92 million in Arizona, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Montana and Georgia.
