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Trump: 'Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion'

The former president responded to Chuck Schumer's (D-NY) call to end Benjamin Netanyahu's term in office.

Donald Trump

Cordon Press

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Donald Trump responded to Chuck Schumer's (D-NY) statements in which he called for elections in Israel to put an end to Benjamin Netanyahu's administration, which he defined as an "obstacle" to peace in the Middle East. In this context, and with the presidential elections getting closer, the former president assured that "any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion."

The statements were made on Sebastian Gorka's program. Gorka was part of the Trump Administration and now hosts a conservative radio program.

Precisely, after a query from the host about the Democratic senator's recent statements against the Israeli prime minister, the former president said that Democratic officials simply "hate Israel."

"Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion. (...) They hate everything about Israel, and they should be ashamed of themselves because Israel will be destroyed," Trump added.

At the same time, he pointed out that Schumer's statements only have an electoral objective. "Don't forget, when you see those Palestinian marches, even I, I'm amazed at how many people are in those marches. And guys like Schumer see that, and to him it's votes, I think it's votes more than anything else, because he was always pro-Israel. He's very anti-Israel now," he added.

White House response

White House spokesman Andrew Bates quickly released a statement responding to Trump's comments.

"President Biden has put his foot down when it comes to vile and unhinged Antisemitic rhetoric. As Antisemitic crimes and acts of hate have increased across the world — among them the deadliest attack committed against the Jewish people since the Holocaust — leaders have an obligation to call hate what it is and bring Americans together against it," the statement read.

"There is no justification for spreading toxic, false stereotypes that threaten fellow citizens. None. Like President Biden said, he was moved to run for President when he saw Neo Nazis chanting 'the same Antisemitic bile that was heard in Germany in the 1930s' in Charlottesville. He will never give hate any safe harbor, including today," Bates said.
